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Enterprise Console: You Cannot Protect Computers

When I try to install AV client to computers I get the following message:

"You cannot protect computers. The update manager has not finished downloading the software you need in order to protect them. Please try again later"

This is a new install at a client site. No firewall on the server and access to the Internet works fine. Has been like this since install and been waiting for a few days and I can't seem to get it to connect to download updates.

Any ideas?


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  • If you go to Update managers in SEC - what does it say? Also rigth-click on the update manager View Updata Manager Details and check the Software Subscription Status. Looks like it never finished the initial install.


  • Ok, I decided to re-install before I read your post (thanks for your quick reply by the way).

    The problem I have now is when I load Enterprise Console I get the following error message:

    The list of available products from Sophos has not yet been retrieved. Do you want to continue waiting?

    I got something similar to this the first time but it eventually retrieved a list. Its like it is having major issue connecting with Sophos download area.

    Again there is no firewall in place on this server and internet connection is working fine.

  • Ok, update.

    It has now got through to the list of packages to choose from and I chose Windows 200 and above and clicked next. Since then it has been sitting on a screen that says:

    "Sophos Enterprise Console will now download your software and prepare it for installation on your computers. This may take a few minutes.

    Sophos Enterprise Console is waiting for the download to finish. Click "Next" now to continue downloading in the background."

    I remember now this is what I got last time. After leaving it overnight and it still displaying the message I clicked next so this is most likely what the issue is.

    So the problem is trying to download the software. Is there a way I can do this manually? Any ideas?

  • So the problem is trying to download the software. Is there a way I can do this manually? There's always more than one way to skin a cat :smileywink: - no, seriously, even if you would do it manually and could somehow convince SUM that it had done it itself you'll be stuck again at the next update.

    I'm not aware of an option to trace SUM's http activity so I suggest you contact support (unless some community member has a better idea). BTW: for (suspected) problems with http traffic and/or websites I use a small proxy which shows the requests and the associated replies and errors.


  • Looks like I've found the issue.

    Under Source details it the address to get downloads from listed as just Sophos (this is the actual HTTP or UNC path it has put in there).

    Obviously this is wrong and never going to work.

    Any idea on what the actual address should be?

    Secondly is the username password. I have a Download username and an EM username. Which one should it be?

    Sorry if these questions seem stupid. I inherited this job for one of our clients from another IT company and I know nothing about Sophos.

    Thanks in advance.

  • the address to get downloads from listed as just Sophos

    this is correct. It is a placeholder for one or more names which in turn resolve to several addresses. You should find the names used in SUMTracexxxx.log (search for http) - BTW: what's in these logs? Could you post parts of it (use for example)

    Download username and an EM username. Which one should it be?

    As usual credentials are checked whenever you configure the source address. If you have EM it's EM (see article 12194)


  • I figured the Sophos being the source server bit after I posted.

    I can't find the SUMTrace log file on the server. Do you know the path to where the log file would be? I used defaults for the install.

    Everything appears to be installed but the problem is I have no install to compare it to to see if all the components are there.

  • The SUMTrace logs are in [%ALLUSERSPROFILE%Application Data|%PROGRAMDATA%]\Sophos\Update Manager\Logs

    There's also the Update Manager Log Viewer"%ProgramFIles%\Sophos\Update Manager\LogViewer.exe" which displays the SUMLog logs.

