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Enterprise Console: You Cannot Protect Computers

When I try to install AV client to computers I get the following message:

"You cannot protect computers. The update manager has not finished downloading the software you need in order to protect them. Please try again later"

This is a new install at a client site. No firewall on the server and access to the Internet works fine. Has been like this since install and been waiting for a few days and I can't seem to get it to connect to download updates.

Any ideas?


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  • Looks like I've found the issue.

    Under Source details it the address to get downloads from listed as just Sophos (this is the actual HTTP or UNC path it has put in there).

    Obviously this is wrong and never going to work.

    Any idea on what the actual address should be?

    Secondly is the username password. I have a Download username and an EM username. Which one should it be?

    Sorry if these questions seem stupid. I inherited this job for one of our clients from another IT company and I know nothing about Sophos.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Looks like I've found the issue.

    Under Source details it the address to get downloads from listed as just Sophos (this is the actual HTTP or UNC path it has put in there).

    Obviously this is wrong and never going to work.

    Any idea on what the actual address should be?

    Secondly is the username password. I have a Download username and an EM username. Which one should it be?

    Sorry if these questions seem stupid. I inherited this job for one of our clients from another IT company and I know nothing about Sophos.

    Thanks in advance.

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