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Enterprise Console: You Cannot Protect Computers

When I try to install AV client to computers I get the following message:

"You cannot protect computers. The update manager has not finished downloading the software you need in order to protect them. Please try again later"

This is a new install at a client site. No firewall on the server and access to the Internet works fine. Has been like this since install and been waiting for a few days and I can't seem to get it to connect to download updates.

Any ideas?


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  • Ok, update.

    It has now got through to the list of packages to choose from and I chose Windows 200 and above and clicked next. Since then it has been sitting on a screen that says:

    "Sophos Enterprise Console will now download your software and prepare it for installation on your computers. This may take a few minutes.

    Sophos Enterprise Console is waiting for the download to finish. Click "Next" now to continue downloading in the background."

    I remember now this is what I got last time. After leaving it overnight and it still displaying the message I clicked next so this is most likely what the issue is.

    So the problem is trying to download the software. Is there a way I can do this manually? Any ideas?

  • Ok, update.

    It has now got through to the list of packages to choose from and I chose Windows 200 and above and clicked next. Since then it has been sitting on a screen that says:

    "Sophos Enterprise Console will now download your software and prepare it for installation on your computers. This may take a few minutes.

    Sophos Enterprise Console is waiting for the download to finish. Click "Next" now to continue downloading in the background."

    I remember now this is what I got last time. After leaving it overnight and it still displaying the message I clicked next so this is most likely what the issue is.

    So the problem is trying to download the software. Is there a way I can do this manually? Any ideas?

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