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Enterprise Console: You Cannot Protect Computers

When I try to install AV client to computers I get the following message:

"You cannot protect computers. The update manager has not finished downloading the software you need in order to protect them. Please try again later"

This is a new install at a client site. No firewall on the server and access to the Internet works fine. Has been like this since install and been waiting for a few days and I can't seem to get it to connect to download updates.

Any ideas?


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  • So the problem is trying to download the software. Is there a way I can do this manually? There's always more than one way to skin a cat :smileywink: - no, seriously, even if you would do it manually and could somehow convince SUM that it had done it itself you'll be stuck again at the next update.

    I'm not aware of an option to trace SUM's http activity so I suggest you contact support (unless some community member has a better idea). BTW: for (suspected) problems with http traffic and/or websites I use a small proxy which shows the requests and the associated replies and errors.


  • So the problem is trying to download the software. Is there a way I can do this manually? There's always more than one way to skin a cat :smileywink: - no, seriously, even if you would do it manually and could somehow convince SUM that it had done it itself you'll be stuck again at the next update.

    I'm not aware of an option to trace SUM's http activity so I suggest you contact support (unless some community member has a better idea). BTW: for (suspected) problems with http traffic and/or websites I use a small proxy which shows the requests and the associated replies and errors.


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