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Sample Submissions - why not getting mail response for URL submission?


we need to enter a mail address when submitting a URL re-categorization.

Why is there no response about the request then? This is still a black hole.

You never know if or when a URL has been re-categorized.

When I create a file sample on the other hand, a regular support case is created automatically.

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Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you.

    I whish it was the only thing not working properly with samples.

    Look at this virus sample submission from 12th May - 8 days old - Status "New" - Sample submission seems usless to me

    Sample File - Company - Name - 12/5/2021 10:26:41 GMT    Medium    New    12.05.2021 10:26    12.05.2021 10:26    SamplesBucket

  • URL submission is still a black hole. Please implement notifications for the recategorization asap. What a waste of ressource that I need to create a case for such a small change.