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PureMessage "Failed to create the virus engine while processing message"

I have Exchange 2013 at sites A, B and C. The PureMessage DB is in site A. Everything works in site A, but sites B and C only generate errors and deliver e-mail with the "UNSCANNED" header.


The log file is an endless list of the same three errors (EventID 68, 70 and 72):

05.12.2019 14:38:38 Failed to create the virus engine while processing message '<>' (error: '0x800706BE')
05.12.2019 14:38:38 Failed to create the content engine while processing message '<>' (error: '0x800706BA')
05.12.2019 14:38:38 Failed to create the spam engine while processing message '<>' (error: '0x800706BA')
05.12.2019 14:38:50 Failed to create the virus engine while processing message '<>' (error: '0x800706BE')
05.12.2019 14:38:50 Failed to create the content engine while processing message '<>' (error: '0x800706BA')
05.12.2019 14:38:50 Failed to create the spam engine while processing message '<>' (error: '0x800706BA')


Unfortunately, there's few to find about this subject ( or about PureMessage, for that matter). This post about Scheduled Tasks not functioning (they do) is the only one actually. More generally, 0x800706BA means the remote procedure server cannot be reached and 0x800706BE means the remote procedure call failed. 


Any ideas? I'm thinking of a Windows Firewall issue maybe and am experimenting with that.

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Parents Reply
  • Hello. No, it's three Exchange servers with three different databases in three different countries - no DAGs. All servers are on PureMessage version 4.0.4.


    J. Janssens

    Sophos Certified Architect
    Sophos Certified Engineer
    Sophos Certified Sales Consultant
    Gold Partner
