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How to download free version of AV for Linux?

I can easily download trial AV for Windows and Mac but when I try the one for Linux I'm sent to additional agreement which I certainly accept. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to proceed any further regardless how many times I try or wait.


Is there any clue or checkbox I forgot to click?

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Parents Reply
  • I tried reaching that so-called "customer care team". They refused with something saying "not my job, ticket is closed".


    Again, I didn't even have a chance to try Sophos for Linux. Maybe it is good, but I'll never know this. [:(]

    And the way how potential customers are treated here, it's very unlikely I recommend this solution to anybody. [:@]


    Dr.Web and ESET exist for Linux, work well. They are not "free" indeed, but their price is negligibly small therefore can be considered almost free for any retail customer. Plus the license for Dr.Web also includes protection for Android device.
