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What the hell has haappened to support?  Everytime I call in I get someone that cannot understand my issue and barely speaks english.  If i call back I get a completely different answer so I am not really sure which one if either is true.  Is it true now that if I am a North American standard support customer that I will no longer be getting local support and getting someone Manila?  I thought support was always follow the sun and i would be getting someone in either US, Canada, AU, or UK?  How does Manila fall into this?  What time can I actually call and get someone in the US?  When I bought a the product years ago I was told I would always get local support.  I certainly hope this is the case still.  I left other vendors when I started getting bad support and that seems to be the case now with Sophos


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  •  I agree John , I feel like when I contacted support they make me feel bad that I have not paid them thousands of dollars extra for their support. Also, I 'm pretty sure I 've only ever spoken to people in the Philippines, although they claim that they are in the UK and America. I saw a post here about layoffs

    I was very rude to my license repeatedly and even after having given to you and I was on a list of contacts , fired and I never heard back. Dealt with one phone call , asked When the year is over , I do not renew with this company because of that.

    I have an e - mail sent to Mary Winfield, VP of Support to but not even heard back .
  • John & Sven - 

    First, let me introduce myself.  I work at Sophos in technical support and am the VP of Operations.  After reading your posts, I wanted to check in with you.  First, i wanted to make sure that the issues that caused you to first call support have been resolved.  If not, I can make sure that happens.  And second, I'd love to talk to you about your expereinces with support.  We are always trying to get better at Sophos and welcome the opportunity to talk to customers directly for feedback.  If you are interested in either, feel free to contact me directly.  I can be reached at

  • Good morning everyone!

    I too have noticed that support lately appears to be somewhat lacking. The last two cases I have submitted online appear to get routed outside the US. Response times are slow and it doesn't seem that the techs are fully understanding or are listening to the issues we are experiencing. This causes delay as the techs seem to only respond to my cases once per day which can drag the issue on for days. I submit cases online with the thought of streamlining the process for Sophos. However, when a tech gets my case and is ready to look into the issue I would recommend that the techs simply give me a call while they have the case to fully understand what is going on rather than assume. If this is too time consuming for the tech then perhaps you are running too lean. 

    We have invested a lot into Sophos products (Endpoints, UTMs, Access Points, REDs etc.). I've actually been sitting on hold while typing this making for a total of 40 minutes between the first time I tried earlier this morning and now. . Now i'm thinking, I insourced certain aspects of our network with the idea of having support available should we run into a serious issue. With the amount of time I've been on hold this greatly concerns me.. 

    Renewals are coming up soon - I highly recommend this gets addressed as IMO it's what USED to set Sophos apart from others. Should a major issue arise, enterprises can't wait hours for tech support. 

  • I agree.  We've had Sophos products for several years and support used to be outstanding.  Now everytime I call I get the message that they're experiencing "unusual call volumes", I sit on hold for 10 minutes, then get a technician that doesn't seem to know anything about the products or understand any of the details in the case.  So I explain everything again, go down some obviously dead end troubleshooting steps, and then wait while they 'consult a colleague'  If I argue enough, I can get it escalated to someone who speaks english and knows what the hell they're talking about.  So I know there's still great technicians there but it seems like there's now a huge pool of inexperienced level 1 techs you have to wade through first.  Really disapointing.  Like others, I've been on hold long enough to write this. 

  • I guess I should have read that article in the link above first.  Maybe it's slanted, but sounds like support is never going to be what it was no matter how they dress it up.  I would love for someone from Sophos to prove me wrong.

  • I just cancelled my first and only support ticket. Just purchase two SG310 and need install assistance. Had to turn to a third party for resolution.

    Guess coming from a Cisco environment and expecting the same level of service is my fault.

  • Reluctatly i opened a new case because our second/failover SG-310 was DOA. 3 hours later i'm away from me desk and miss Tech support call. I respond via case management and email that i'm at desk and available. This was less that 2 minutes after missing call. of course no one go back to me...

    So screw it...boxing up both appilances and returning to vendor...Game over

  • I absolutely agree - support stinks these days and i'm a reseller. Come on Sophos sort it out.

  • I waited on the phone for an hour and a half this morning. At this point I need to know about installing additional licenses on my new software appliance and some inconsistencies in the instructions. I would like to talk to someone who knows the answers as customer care has not been very helpful. I am a new customer and at this point I am also wondering about a complete refund for Cloud, UTM network and UTM Web Protection.

  • We recently renewed our suite of licenses and our reseller got us 'VIP' support thrown in, which has been what standard support used to be in the old days (meaning it's great).  I know they're working on getting standard support back up to snuff, and I have faith they will (eventually), but if people still have stories about 90 minute hold times, something obviously still isn't right.  So from my experience, I would push hard for your acocunt rep, or reseller if you're in that stage, to get you VIP support.  Failing that, my rep was always willing to get involved in individual support cases and get them escalated without any screwing around.
