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Web Interface Login Failed 17.03


I followed the installation etc, provided a password etc. I couldnt login with the password i have chosen during the setup.


In the Main Menu of the console i picked 2 System, and then 1 - Set Password.

I the provide, on the web, user: admin

And password as password that i configured during the initial setup wizard and then re-entered it from the console.

Then i rebooted the thing.

In the end, i cant log in.


What am I doing wrong?

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Parents Reply Children
  • I have updated the password, now without the special charanter "." and now it works... for now.

    What doesn't make sense is that I could log in both CLI and webinterface with a password with a special character and suddenly it doesn't work. I consider this still a bug.


    On the other hand does the password support special characters? I don't see anywhere that it doesn't.

  • Hello

    If you have many languages installed on your Windows desktop, that is a very common issue.  Keyboard may change from an application to the other with the user unknowing it. Notepad is your best friend to rapidly double check what your are typing.  On a console, and in "Control Panel" I always remove all keyboards and languages but US.  And I use a "physical" US keyboard.

    Paul Jr 

  • Same issue here.  Brand new install, select nice complex admin password, can't login to web console.

    Go into Admin console, type a very simple password, reboot, login to same admin console successfully - go back to attempt a web console login, failure.

    This isn't setting a good impression, unfortunately.  Will have to try a complete nuke.

  • Complete reset corrected it.  No spaces or special characters in password, was able to login.  Whew!

  • I have the EXACT same issue - setup a nice password (no special characters or spaces) and suddenly I cannot login to the local admin interface. 


    This is the 2nd XG this has happened to me on - so I'm confident it is NOT me. What is going wrong here? I'm clearly not the only one right? 


  • I am working with lastpass for decades and never had such an issue before. 

    Maybe this is a minor "layer 8 issue"? Not sure... 

    Can you reproduce this issue with a password? 

    Its all about "Is it reproducible?". 


  • That wasn't my screen shot above, I KNOW the password. It's not stuck in a password manager. 

    I feel like it has something to do with when I associate the XG to a client account, that is does something to the locally set password. Hey I'll admit, I'm new, but I really don't get it. I set the password, now it doesn't work. 

    I keep thinking I'm missing something. 

  • I was pointing to the fact that i never saw this issue right now, because i work with a password storing tool which infact always enter the proper password. 

    So i am not sure, how this can happen. 

    What do you mean with associate the XG to a client account? 

    You setup the XG properly and register it to the customer? 
