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Advisory: Reflexion - Delayed delivery of outbound and inbound email

Hi everyone,

Sophos is currently investigating an issue with Reflexion is that is causing delayed delivery of inbound and outbound mail. No mail will be lost, as it will be queued for delivery.
Our development and operations team are actively working to resolve this issue.

Please follow the links below for the latest updates: 

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  • [Update] 7/31/2019 - 7:15AM EDT

    As of 6:30 AM EDT, Reflexion services continue to process the backlog of email that was delayed as a result of the outage yesterday.

    • No email was lost, and we expect all queued email to be delivered over the next few hours.

    • Our infrastructure engineering teams continue to monitor and are actively working to resolve the issue and restore regular mail flow as quickly as possible.

    • Reflexion Outbound mail is delivering without issue.

    • Again, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and will provide an update once the queues return to normal or there is additional information to share.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support
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  • Up at 5a to deal with this issue again here on west coast.  Already getting emails from my customers at 4:30a replying to emails I sent late last night.  Sent email tests to two customers at 5:18a and as of 5:54a they are not delivered nor are they in the queue waiting to be delivered.  I've moved 4 customers off of Reflexion last night bypassing via MX records.  If the delay is still 45-60+ minutes for inbound emails I will need to spend all morning updating MX records.  

    Also, there is still no communication regarding the actual issue.  How is that possible?  Who is in charge of Reflexion and why is there such poor communication even as of this morning?

  • Up at 5a to deal with this issue again here on west coast.  Already getting emails from my customers at 4:30a replying to emails I sent late last night.  Sent email tests to two customers at 5:18a and as of 5:54a they are not delivered nor are they in the queue waiting to be delivered.  I've moved 4 customers off of Reflexion last night bypassing via MX records.  If the delay is still 45-60+ minutes for inbound emails I will need to spend all morning updating MX records.  

    Also, there is still no communication regarding the actual issue.  How is that possible?  Who is in charge of Reflexion and why is there such poor communication even as of this morning?

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