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Sophos Endpoint causing huge System Folder OSX Sierra

Hi there


I installed Sophos Endpoint on a Mac Mini a few months ago which is accessed remotely so screen not often viewed (it's a mail server)

I recently noticed a huge decrease in available disk space over the past few weeks. The System folder had expanded from about 8GB to around 135GB leaving only about 2GB of free disk space!

A run of OmniSweeper and Disk Inventory X did not show the offending file usage and showing invisble files gave no clue either. Rebooting did not release the disk space.

I took a hunch and decided to uninstall Endpoint and bingo – I got 120GB+ back

I have now reinstalled Endpoint and still have the correct disk space available

What happened and will it happen again? Can't afford to have the mail server go down because the disk is full of cache/VM/log/swap files!

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  • Hi martiniman,

    Can you share us the details of the files that are consuming your disk space? or is there any way you can show us the difference in the file size? Also, if possible collect a Sophos Diagnostic Utility log before you remove the Sophos client.

    Please try steps suggested in Recovering tamper-protected Mac client and let me know if that helps.


    Gowtham Mani
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Hi Giwtham


    I tried the command for recovering tamper-protected client, how I still cannot remove the software

    The uninstaller software keeps asking for the Tamper password, but it does not recognise the password when entered, even though it is correctly entered (splash window 'shakes' as if wrong password has been supplied). Neither can I get into the 'admin' login from the client Mac controller

    I have attached a screenshot showing that the OSX System size should be 8.53GB whereas it is 68.29GB in reality. The additional 60GB space used by these invisible files cannot be found by any means that I have tried


    I need to have this issue resolved ASAP please



    Regards Simon