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How to download free version of AV for Linux?

I can easily download trial AV for Windows and Mac but when I try the one for Linux I'm sent to additional agreement which I certainly accept. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to proceed any further regardless how many times I try or wait.


Is there any clue or checkbox I forgot to click?

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Parents Reply
  • Jasmin said:

    Once you have a license from Sophos, you'll have Sophos Central console to download the installer directly and that'll not have an export compliance form to be filled up. The same scenario is for Enterprise console as well because when you purchase any product from Sophos, this form is already filled by you while purchasing a license.

    Downloading an installer from the website is basically for the trial license customers.

    Whatever is needed, I never got anything. Like I wrote many times already, I have the account, I filed that form many times. Look, I might be even satisfied having a trial version of this software. Previously I reported that I tried Sophos for Windows and it turned to be way below my expectations. Maybe Sophos for Linux would end up with the same fate. But I will never know this. Hope springs eternal is not about Sophos. Thanks to all this bureaucracy, Sophos is a dead product for me. Sorry for being blunt.


    But why am I saying this? Dr.Web or ESET do the job. Trying to get Sophos for Linux is waste of time. Period, end of discussion.
