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Remove "" from Blacklist

Dear friends, 

please remove our domain from blacklists,
we are not on blacklists, if we do spam or phishing,

This has caused serious damage to the company's reputation.

thank you

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  • Hello,

    do you mean webserver URL or email?

    I have no problem to open your website through our webfilter in our Sophos Firewall.

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Hello,

    do you mean webserver URL or email?

    I have no problem to open your website through our webfilter in our Sophos Firewall.

    Mit freundlichem Gruß, best regards from Germany,

    Philipp Rusch

    New Vision GmbH, Germany
    Sophos Silver-Partner

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.
