UTM SG135 managing guests traffic accessing wifi

I am having to revisit this question and seek further guidance please.

I have enabled QoS on the relevant guest subnet but I need help with traffic selection. 

I have named the traffic "guests downloading"  with the guest network as the source, the service any and the destination the WAN.

For the bandwidth pool I have selected the bandwidth (4000) and upper bandwidth of 4000 and enabled the Guest downloading traffic but I am stuck when I get to Download Throttling.  I seem to have two entries enabled.  Why is that?

Also please advise if I have it right so that each guests can get up to 4096kb/s or have I in error set the total pool as 4096?  I have 40Mb/s available for the broadband connection.

Please could somebody look over this and correct me where I am wrong.


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  • Hi, My problem is that the settings I was shwoing did not work.  If I set the direction the other way round, ie. the Source as the WAN and the Destination as the Guest network the system seems to work.  Why is that and which way round should I have it.

    Finally can you please confirm that every client on the Guest network can enjoy 4Mb.  I am concerned that I can only see that one user is connected.