UTM SG135 managing guests traffic accessing wifi

I am having to revisit this question and seek further guidance please.

I have enabled QoS on the relevant guest subnet but I need help with traffic selection. 

I have named the traffic "guests downloading"  with the guest network as the source, the service any and the destination the WAN.

For the bandwidth pool I have selected the bandwidth (4000) and upper bandwidth of 4000 and enabled the Guest downloading traffic but I am stuck when I get to Download Throttling.  I seem to have two entries enabled.  Why is that?

Also please advise if I have it right so that each guests can get up to 4096kb/s or have I in error set the total pool as 4096?  I have 40Mb/s available for the broadband connection.

Please could somebody look over this and correct me where I am wrong.


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