Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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SSL VPN Connect Client 2.2.90, internal DNS name resolution broken, need to reinstall client


our Windows 10 users use Connect Client 2.2.90 with the infamous .pro file to tonnect to XG 19.5.2 Firewall with SSL VPN TCP and access internal resources. The SSL VPN clients use the XG firewall as DNS resolver. The XG uses DNS forward rule for our internal Domain to the internal DNS servers.

Unfortunately it is a quite common issue, that the SSL VPN users bother our 1st Level with connectivity issues to some, not all, internal resources.

The workaround is usually to reinstall Connect Client and all is fine then.

Just a few minutes ago, 1st level spent half an hour diagnosing a client issue that could not connect to a single internal server while others were working. User was authenticated, had heartbeat etc. VPN profiles and Group membership were all fine. The client could neither ping or access the single server by other means. It is then like a DNS issue, the ping response is could not find host while other hosts of our internal domain are working also with FQDN, not only IP.

If you ping the IP, it is also working.

My suggestion was again to reinstall the CC client because no other issue was obvious.

After it worked fine.

I suspect the Windows adapter order is at some point messed up and some name resolution is happening on the wrong interface.

Is this a known issue (probably not) and is there a better workaround or fix for the problem?

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  • ifIndex InterfaceAlias                  AddressFamily NlMtu(Bytes) InterfaceMetric Dhcp     ConnectionState PolicyStore
    ------- --------------                  ------------- ------------ --------------- ----     --------------- -----------
    1       Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1     IPv6            4294967295              75 Disabled Connected       ActiveStore
    20      Ethernet 2                      IPv4                  1400               2 Enabled  Connected       ActiveStore
    4       LAN-Verbindung* 2               IPv4                  1500              25 Disabled Disconnected    ActiveStore
    9       Bluetooth-Netzwerkverbindung    IPv4                  1500              65 Enabled  Disconnected    ActiveStore
    19      LAN-Verbindung* 1               IPv4                  1500              25 Enabled  Disconnected    ActiveStore
    7       Ethernet                        IPv4                  1500               1 Enabled  Connected       ActiveStore
    16      WLAN                            IPv4                  1500              25 Enabled  Disconnected    ActiveStore
    1       Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1     IPv4            4294967295              75 Disabled Connected       ActiveStore

    7 is the local LAN interface to the router/gateway, 20 is the VPN connection

  • Hi   Thanks for sharing this output, would it be possible to share similar output and information from another system (with a similar OS type) where it works fine to compare both details my side? (Sorry I missed it to request the same from you in my earlier comment)


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Not necessary. Compared it already. Somehow on the local LAN interface there was the automatic metric disabled and set to 1. So it was always first. Enabled automatic metric now and it is working. Thanks for pointing it out, will put in the case and close it.

    We have to take a look at this device class. Maybe this setting is set while installing the device driver as it is kind of new in our environment. 

  • Hi   Thanks for the resolution update for community users' reference and I am glad you managed to figure it out with the above command hint and output.


    Vishal Ranpariya
    Technical Account Manager | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Hey  , Thanks for the update, that was the suggested answer earlier on this thread !

    Thanks & Regards,

    Vivek Jagad | Team Lead, Global Support & Services 

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  • Yep, but it was a helpful hint to get a fast overview via powershell. Also read the KB article from Microsoft so that it is now much more clear how this system acts. Didn't get that entirely before.