How do I stop Sandboxie from checking for updates?

How do I stop from it from checking for updates? It's annoying.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Janessa,

    to get rid of the update loop with your Sandboxie-version, you can manually edit the file sandboxie.INI in path c:\windows, and change the value of "SbieCtrl_NextUpdateCheck" to 2124300600, so that the update question is delayed to 25th April 2037.
    When you click the button "Never" in the Update-Question, the date of 18th April 2019 is always set to this INI value, and therefore the Update-Question-Loop is restarting in an endless loop.

    The conversion between Unix-TimeStamp (2124300600) und readable date (25th April 2037) can be made for example at
