1. Remote assistance is no longer located in " Account Details " it can instead be found in "Support Settings"
2. The unique ID for Sophos Central is not on the About page but instead is also on the "Support Settings" page.
Hi, I have just confiuged HA as a networking layman an I think my guide will be better....just saying. I will post it via support once I have it in final draft
Why is there no simple way to download the latest firmware for CS110 switch?!? It won't connect to Sophos Central because the Firmware is out of date, yet I cannot easily just find where to download it.
Please implement some sort of progress indication when importing configuration(!). Just displaying a note saying that it will take long, is not very helpful. (This would generally be nice to have, e.g. when updating firmware)
There is a note that pops...
On this page:
IPsec (remote access) settings - Sophos Firewall
Downloading and resetting the configuration
To download the configuration files ( .scx and .tgb ), click Export connection .
To revert to the factory configuration for IPsec remote...
In this KB https://doc.sophos.com/central/Customer/help/en-us/ManageYourProducts/EmailSecurity/SophosGateway/ExternalServices/ConfigureGoogle/index.html#create-an-inbound-gateway-in-google-workspace
To configure this setting, do as follows:
Hi Team in the following article is a very important information missing: If you restore the backup, this configuration is lost! This is also for every other CLI command, which needs to be executed on both appliances. https://doc.sophos.com/nsg/sophos...