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Sophos Update installation issue

I am facing issue with few systems are not updating with latest update. Update files downloading successfully from server but system end not able to execute that update. Please send me solution at the earliest.

Thanks and Regards,

Vinod Dhanawade

M: 9594441697


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  • Can you post any MSI logs, which component is AutoUpdate failing to update?  RMS, SAV, SCF, Patch, NAC, Itself?

    If you check the alupdate trace log (C:\ProgramData\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Logs\) you can see the download stage for each followed by the install stage for each.

    You will find log files in \windows\temp\ for each component.



  • Please find log details as mention below:-

    1) Log File Path: \Program Files\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Logs\ALUpdate20120823T145354.3056970.log

    Message: -

    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:05): Connection to remote machine \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\ successful
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:05): CalculateChecksum. Processing file C:\Program Files\Sophos\AutoUpdate\cache\escdp.dat
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:05): Remote connection over UNC.
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:05): Read file master.upd (Remote).
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:05): Synchronised file root.upd (Local).
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:05): Synchronised file escdp.dat (Local).
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:05): ParseCustomerIDFile: completed: 0
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:05): TrySyncProduct<class AutoUpdate::CIDUpdateLocation>, Calling SyncProduct with {390DCDC2-10A9-4ef3-B8D8-0CA7F0E7EB92}
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:05): CIDUpdateLocation::SyncProduct - Updating Product: RMSNT
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:05): CIDUpdate(SyncProduct.Start): RMSNT, \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:05): Checksum found in master.upd matches cached cidsync.upd : 4cb51843. Skipping download
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:05): CIDUpdate(PrimarySuccess):
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:06): TrySyncProduct<class AutoUpdate::CIDUpdateLocation>, SyncProduct returned - 1
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:06): TrySyncProduct<class AutoUpdate::CIDUpdateLocation>, Ended - 1
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:06): UpdateLocationFacade::SyncProduct: Last Update Mechanism = CID
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:06): CIDUpdateLocation::SyncProduct - Updating Product: SAVXP
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:06): CIDUpdate(SyncProduct.Start): SAVXP, \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:06): Checksum found in master.upd matches cached cidsync.upd : ebf9366e. Skipping download
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:06): CIDUpdate(PrimarySuccess):
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:06): UpdateLocationFacade::SyncProduct: Last Update Mechanism = CID
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:06): CIDUpdateLocation::SyncProduct - Updating Product: Sophos AutoUpdate
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:06): CIDUpdate(SyncProduct.Start): Sophos AutoUpdate, \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:06): Checksum found in master.upd matches cached cidsync.upd : 3e9e1558. Skipping download
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:06): CIDUpdate(PrimarySuccess):
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:07): ALUpdate(DownloadEnded):
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:07): UpdateCoordinator::UpdateNow: About to Action list of products
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:07): ALUpdate(Action.Skipped): RMSNT
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:07): SetupAction::Execute: Creating thread to install product SAVXP
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:07): SetupAction::Run: Installing Product SAVXP
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:07): ALUpdate(Action.Execute): SAVXP
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:07): SetupAction::Run: Preparing...
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:07): CIDUpdateLocation::Prepare... entered
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:34): CheckManifest completed successfully
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:34): SetupAction::Run: Prepare succeeded
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:35): SetupAction::Execute: Could not create instance of IProductSetup2. Reverting to IProductSetup
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:59): ALUpdate(Install.F6:44 PM 8/23/2012ailure): SAVXP
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:59): SetupAction::Execute: Thread to install SAVXP returns 0
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:30:59): ALUpdate(Action.Skipped): Sophos AutoUpdate
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:31:03): RMSMessageHandler: ALUpdateEnd
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:31:03): Sending message: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Config type="RMSEndUpdate"><ErrorMessage><ID>Install.Failure</ID><StringID>103</StringID><Sender>ALUpdate</Sender><Insert>SAVXP</Insert><Insert>80041f08</Insert></ErrorMessage></Config>
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:31:03): IPCSender::Write: Writing message: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Config type="RMSEndUpdate"><ErrorMessage><ID>Install.Failure</ID><StringID>103</StringID><Sender>ALUpdate</Sender><Insert>SAVXP</Insert><Insert>80041f08</Insert></ErrorMessage></Config>
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:31:03): IPCSender::ProcessSend: Send message: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Config type="RMSEndUpdate"><ErrorMessage><ID>Install.Failure</ID><StringID>103</StringID><Sender>ALUpdate</Sender><Insert>SAVXP</Insert><Insert>80041f08</Insert></ErrorMessage></Config>
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:31:03): IPCSender::ProcessSend: No messages in queue, starting to wait
    Trace(2012-Aug-23 18:31:04): IPCSender::ProcessSend exiting

    2) Log File Path: \Program Files\Sophos\AutoUpdate\Logs\alc.log

    Message: -

    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x6 0x1104 0x5035f6aa
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x55 0x1104 0x5035f6ac RMSNT
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x23 0x1104 0x5035f714
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x55 0x1104 0x5035f714 SAVXP
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x23 0x1104 0x5035fba3
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x55 0x1104 0x5035fba4 SophosAutoUpdate
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x23 0x1104 0x5035fc1f
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x52 0x1104 0x5035fc20
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x68 0x1390 0x5035fc20 RMSNT
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x2e 0x1390 0x5035fc53
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x68 0xefc 0x5035fc53 SAVXP
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0xa2 0xefc 0x5035fcb1 SAVXP
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x68 0x16a0 0x5035fcb1 SophosAutoUpdate
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x2e 0x16a0 0x5035fdf6
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x1100 0x1 0x7b 0x1104 0x5035fdf6
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0x6 0x145c 0x5035ff22
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0x55 0x145c 0x5035ff24 RMSNT \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0x23 0x145c 0x5035ff24
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0x55 0x145c 0x5035ff25 SAVXP \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0x23 0x145c 0x5035ff25
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0x55 0x145c 0x5035ff26 SophosAutoUpdate \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0x23 0x145c 0x5035ff26
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0x52 0x145c 0x5035ff26
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0x53 0x145c 0x5035ff26 RMSNT
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0x68 0x528 0x5035ff26 SAVXP
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0xa2 0x528 0x5035ff4e SAVXP
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0x53 0x145c 0x5035ff4e SophosAutoUpdate
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x14c 0x1 0x7b 0x145c 0x5035ff52
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0x6 0x5f0 0x50360d33
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0x55 0x5f0 0x50360d36 RMSNT \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0x23 0x5f0 0x50360d36
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0x55 0x5f0 0x50360d37 SAVXP \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0x23 0x5f0 0x50360d37
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0x55 0x5f0 0x50360d38 SophosAutoUpdate \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0x23 0x5f0 0x50360d38
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0x52 0x5f0 0x50360d38
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0x53 0x5f0 0x50360d38 RMSNT
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0x68 0x12ec 0x50360d38 SAVXP
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0xa2 0x12ec 0x50360d6b SAVXP
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0x53 0x5f0 0x50360d6b SophosAutoUpdate
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x7c8 0x1 0x7b 0x5f0 0x50360d6d
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0x6 0x1290 0x50361b42
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0x55 0x1290 0x50361b45 RMSNT \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0x23 0x1290 0x50361b45
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0x55 0x1290 0x50361b46 SAVXP \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0x23 0x1290 0x50361b46
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0x55 0x1290 0x50361b46 SophosAutoUpdate \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0x23 0x1290 0x50361b46
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0x52 0x1290 0x50361b47
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0x53 0x1290 0x50361b47 RMSNT
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0x68 0x150c 0x50361b47 SAVXP
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0xa2 0x150c 0x50361b64 SAVXP
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0x53 0x1290 0x50361b64 SophosAutoUpdate
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x146c 0x1 0x7b 0x1290 0x50361b65
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0x6 0x11e8 0x50362952
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0x55 0x11e8 0x50362955 RMSNT \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0x23 0x11e8 0x50362955
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0x55 0x11e8 0x50362956 SAVXP \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0x23 0x11e8 0x50362956
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0x55 0x11e8 0x50362956 SophosAutoUpdate \\\SophosUpdate\CIDs\S000\SAVSCFXP\
    0x4 CIDUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0x23 0x11e8 0x50362956
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0x52 0x11e8 0x50362957
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0x53 0x11e8 0x50362957 RMSNT
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0x68 0x151c 0x50362957 SAVXP
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0xa2 0x151c 0x5036298b SAVXP
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0x53 0x11e8 0x5036298b SophosAutoUpdate
    0x4 ALUpdate 0x32 0x11bc 0x1 0x7b 0x11e8 0x5036298f

    I have check in \windows\temp\  location but there are so many files for Sophos log..


    Sophos Anti-Virus Major Install Log_120823_010035.txt

    Sophos Anti-Virus Uninstall log.txt

    Sophos Anti-Virus Major Install Log_120823_120029.txt

    Sophos Anti-Virus Major Install Log_120823_110042.txt

    Sophos Anti-Virus Major Install Log_120823_100029.txt

    Sophos AutoUpdate install log.txt

    Message of File from: - Sophos Anti-Virus Major Install Log_120823_010035.txt

    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: Logging started: installing/upgrading Sophos Anti-Virus
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: InstallFromPath is: C:\Program Files\Sophos\AutoUpdate\cache\savxp\
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: InstallToPath is:
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: Detected version of SAV has major version number: 9
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: Detected version of SAV has minor version number: 7
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: registryInstallTo [overriding InstallToPath] is: C:\Program Files\Sophos\Sophos Anti-Virus\
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: SetupPlugin: updateProps.m_MajorUpdate = 1
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: SetupPlugin: updateProps.m_DataOnlyUpdate = 0
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: SetupPlugin: updateProps.m_OnAccessDriverUpdate = 1
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: SetupPlugin: updateProps.m_BootDriverUpdate = 0
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: SetupPlugin: updateProps.m_ClassFilterUpdate = 1
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: SetupPlugin: updateProps.m_KMSDriverUpdate = 0
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: Managed install
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: Performing major update of Sophos Anti-Virus using msi.
    2012-08-23 18:30:35 Info: Update is signalled.
    2012-08-23 18:30:36 Info: Detected an older version of SAV, version 9. Doing a major update.
    2012-08-23 18:30:36 Info: Set Update Begin
    2012-08-23 18:30:36 Info: Stop SAVService
    2012-08-23 18:30:37 Info: Convert boot tasks
    2012-08-23 18:30:37 Info: CopyFilesToTemp
    2012-08-23 18:30:37 Info: Rename user groups
    2012-08-23 18:30:37 INFO: Copy group SophosAdministrator to SophosAdministratorTmpRn
    2012-08-23 18:30:37 INFO: Copy group SophosPowerUser to SophosPowerUserTmpRn
    2012-08-23 18:30:37 INFO: Copy group SophosOnAccess to SophosOnAccessTmpRn
    2012-08-23 18:30:37 INFO: Copy group SophosUser to SophosUserTmpRn
    2012-08-23 18:30:37 Info: Uninstall old SAV
    2012-08-23 18:30:38 Info: Running Uninstall of previous version using command line: msiexec.exe /x {9ACB414D-9347-40B6-A453-5EFB2DB59DFA} REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn UNINSTALLDRIVERS=0 UNINSTALLCLASSFILTER=0 UNINSTALLBOOTDRIVERS=1 UNINSTALLKMSDRIVERS=1 CHECKFORSCF=0  INSTALLINGVERSION="10.0.6" /Lvp "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\Sophos Anti-Virus Uninstall log.txt"
    2012-08-23 18:30:39 Info: Finished waiting for Uninstallation of previous version. Status returned was 0l.
    2012-08-23 18:30:39 Info: Detected version of SAV has major version number: 9
    2012-08-23 18:30:39 ERROR: Uninstall of SAV, version = 9, succeeded but IsSAVInstalled is true (9).
    2012-08-23 18:30:39 Info: Restore user groups
    2012-08-23 18:30:39 Warning: Failed to rename a temp group, continuing (0x80004005)
    2012-08-23 18:30:39 ERROR: Upgrade failure
    2012-08-23 18:30:40 Info: Set Update Failed

    Thanks and Regards,

    Vinod Dhanawade

  • Hi,


    2012-08-23 18:30:37 Info: Uninstall old SAV
    2012-08-23 18:30:38 Info: Running Uninstall of previous version using command line: msiexec.exe /x {9ACB414D-9347-40B6-A453-5EFB2DB59DFA} REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn UNINSTALLDRIVERS=0 UNINSTALLCLASSFILTER=0 UNINSTALLBOOTDRIVERS=1 UNINSTALLKMSDRIVERS=1 CHECKFORSCF=0  INSTALLINGVERSION="10.0.6" /Lvp "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\Sophos Anti-Virus Uninstall log.txt"
    2012-08-23 18:30:39 Info: Finished waiting for Uninstallation of previous version. Status returned was 0l.
    2012-08-23 18:30:39 Info: Detected version of SAV has major version number: 9
    2012-08-23 18:30:39 ERROR: Uninstall of SAV, version = 9, succeeded but IsSAVInstalled is true (9).
    2012-08-23 18:30:39 Info: Restore user groups
    2012-08-23 18:30:39 Warning: Failed to rename a temp group, continuing (0x80004005)
    2012-08-23 18:30:39 ERROR: Upgrade failure

    The upgrade to 10.0.6 uninstalled the previous version (9) which worked but maybe needs a reboot to complete?  Something still remains.  I'm not sure what is checked for to return "IsSAVInstalled".  Maybe: "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\Sophos Anti-Virus Uninstall log.txt" would help?  Does it say at the bottom a reboot is required for example?

    This ties in with the other return code returned back to SEC:

    Sending message: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Config type="RMSEndUpdate"><ErrorMessage><ID>Install.Failure</ID><StringID>103</StringID><Sender>ALUpdate</Sender><Insert>SAVXP</Insert><Insert>80041f08</Insert></ErrorMessage></Config>

    80041f08Uninstalling an older Sophos product failedCheck that there is no old version of Sophos Anti-Virus or Remote Update present. Uninstall it manually if necessary.



  • Please try the steps:

    1. Open Microsoft Fixit website
    2. Start the tool (Run now)
    3. Select "Detect problem and let me select the fix to apply"
    4. Click on "Uninstalling"
    5. Select Sophos Anti-virus from the list
    6. If Sophos Anti-Virus, Sophos AutoUpdate or Sophos Remote Management are not in the list of programs you want to uninstall or if the removal fails then select the option "Not Listed" and click on "Next"
    7. Now enter the product codes of the components we want to remove
      --- Auto-Update 2.x: {15C418EB-7675-42be-B2B3-281952DA014D}
      --- Sophos Anti-Virus 9.x & 10.x: {9ACB414D-9347-40B6-A453-5EFB2DB59DFA}
      --- Sophos Remote Management 3.2: {FED1005D-CBC8-45D5-A288-FFC7BB304121}

    The computer will now reboot

    This will work


    Vinod Dhanawade

  • Why hasn't Sophos released a cleanup tool to do this rather than forcing us to rely on a manual process with Microsoft's tools?  Every other security product manufacturer has one.  Norton, McAfee, whatever.  Removal tools are a very basic part of helping customers remove your software.   Sophos has more install/update/uninstall issues than any other product I've ever seen in 25 years of working in IT. 


    Sophos, off your butts and make us a removal tool so we can stop wasting time fixing your product's failures.  I dread every interaction with Sophos on a machine since any problems result in manual remediation and a huge waste of time. 

  • Hello David Laufnick,

    more install/update/uninstall issues
    can't assent to this, maybe we're just lucky but we don't have any major problems.

    removal tools
    Sophos uses the Windows Installer that also performs the uninstall. There are some small windows of opportunity where it isn't "safe" - most often the issues are due to an inconsistent state after an incomplete or interrupted uninstall or rollback. All but a few can rather easily be resolved once the inconsistency is determined.
    The removal tool for installations that are performed using the Windows Installer is the Windows Installer. AFAIK there aren't any Microsoft tools that facilitate an uninstall when the Windows Installer has failed. The Fix-It for Install and Removal Problems (formerly msicuu2.exe) isn't an uninstaller/cleanup (as sometimes incorrectly assumed) for a product but a resetter for the pertaining Installer information.
    It's likely not feasible to come up with a stand-alone tool that doesn't even do more than just asserting that it's a "common" case and attempt to correct it - one case is that the cached .msi package required for uninstall has disappeared. Even if it'd eventually have to resort to imitate the Fix-It.
