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Sophos upgrade from 5.5.1 to 5.5.2 failed


i Tried to upgrade Sophos Enterprise from 5.5.1 to 5.5.2. The upgrade is failed.

The error is : The server cannot be upgraded. The current credentials do not permit access to the sophos 552 database.

I manual upgraded the databases.

In the sophos bootstrapper :

Started Setup.exe, located at: C:\sec_552\ServerInstaller
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Verifying files in folder
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Target folder verification completed successfully
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Initialized COM in the main thread
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Initialized COM security in the main thread
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : The Winsock 2.2 dll was found okay.
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : --------System Information------------
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Computer Name: NAME
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter|C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Service Pack: 0
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : System Type: 64 bit Operating System
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Locale: en
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Logged-on User: sophosuser
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Domain: domain
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Command line args:
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : C:\sec_552\ServerInstaller\Setup.exe
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : --------------------------------------
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Checking SQLNCLI version...
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found same or newer SQLNCLI version (11.4.7001.0) in the 32 bit registry than the packed version (11.4.7001.0)
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Detected MSI version: 5.0.10011
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Activate state: Idle
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Obtaining SQL instances on local machine...
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found installed component: {F4B28D4D-CC92-4D47-A383-56386A13D69F} version: 5.5.1
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found MSI: \Console64.msi version: 5.5.2
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found installed component: {F588BA9B-A6FD-4D5A-9978-52925367AF0A} version: 5.5.1
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found MSI: \Server64.msi version: 5.5.2
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found MSI: \Database64.msi version: 5.5.2
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found installed component: {2C7A82DB-69BC-4198-AC26-BB862F1BE4D0} version:
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found MSI: SUM.msi version:
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : SEC Console detected.
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : SEC Server detected.
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : SUM detected.
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Upgrade 5.x workflow
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '12': INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Sophos" INSTALLDIR32="C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos" SUM_INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Update Manager"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '19': UPGRADE="1"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '6': SERVER_COMPUTERNAME="sophosserver"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '5': SERVER_PORT="80"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, ERROR : No Sophos Credential Store Service found: 80040154
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '1': SERVER_USERNAME="sophosuser"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '2': SERVER_USERNAMEDOMAIN="domain"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, ERROR : No Sophos Credential Store Service found: 80040154
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '4': SERVER_USERNAMEPASSWORD="********"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : upn found:
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '3': SERVER_UPN=""
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Database account known. Database page will not be displayed
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : DB instance from registry: "(local)\SOPHOS"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '0': DATABASE_SERVERNAME="(local)\SOPHOS"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Non-encryption ready connection string built from registry for 'SOPHOS552': Data Source=(local)\SOPHOS;Initial Catalog=SOPHOS551;Integrated Security=SSPI;Provider=SQLOLEDB;
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Sanitizing and updating non-encryption ready connection string for 'SOPHOS552'...
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '0': DATABASE_SERVERNAME="(local)\SOPHOS" DATABASE_CONNECTIONSTRING="Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS552;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : There is no encryption ready connection string in the registry for 'SOPHOS552'
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '32': SECURITY_DATABASE_SERVERNAME="(local)\SOPHOS"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Non-encryption ready connection string built from registry for 'SophosSecurity': Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SophosSecurity;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Sanitizing and updating non-encryption ready connection string for 'SophosSecurity'...
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '32': SECURITY_DATABASE_SERVERNAME="(local)\SOPHOS" SECURITY_DATABASE_CONNECTIONSTRING="Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SophosSecurity;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : There is no encryption ready connection string in the registry for 'SophosSecurity'
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '33': PATCH_DATABASE_SERVERNAME="(local)\SOPHOS"
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Non-encryption ready connection string built from registry for 'SOPHOSPATCH52': Timeout=60;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOSPATCH52;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Sanitizing and updating non-encryption ready connection string for 'SOPHOSPATCH52'...
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '33': PATCH_DATABASE_SERVERNAME="(local)\SOPHOS" PATCH_DATABASE_CONNECTIONSTRING="Timeout=60;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOSPATCH52;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : There is no encryption ready connection string in the registry for 'SOPHOSPATCH52'
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '7': SERVER_FEEDBACKENABLED="1"
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '8': SERVER_FEEDBACKUSERNAME=""
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '9': SERVER_FEEDBACKEMAIL=""
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '20': DB_UPGRADE_VERSION="551"
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Checking for presence of database: SOPHOSENC52 on instance: ...
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Finished retrieving instances - Timeout
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Obtaining remote SQL instances on network...
16-3-2020 16:08:13, INFO : Finished retrieving instances - Timeout
16-3-2020 16:08:28, ERROR : COM error. Connection string: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Database=master;Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DataTypeCompatibility=80; - Error: Unspecified error, Description: Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
16-3-2020 16:08:28, INFO : Checking for presence of database: SOPHOSENC51 on instance: ...
16-3-2020 16:08:43, ERROR : COM error. Connection string: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Database=master;Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DataTypeCompatibility=80; - Error: Unspecified error, Description: Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
16-3-2020 16:08:43, INFO : Installation value ID '29': ENCDBVERSION="0"
16-3-2020 16:08:43, INFO : SupportedOS isFatal: 1
16-3-2020 16:08:44, INFO : Entered Welcome page.
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Running System Property Check: User must be an administrator on this computer...
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : System Property Check: User must be an administrator on this computer - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Running System Property Check: All SEC components installed must be the same version...
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found installed component: {F4B28D4D-CC92-4D47-A383-56386A13D69F} version: 5.5.1
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found MSI: \Console64.msi version: 5.5.2
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found installed component: {F588BA9B-A6FD-4D5A-9978-52925367AF0A} version: 5.5.1
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found MSI: \Server64.msi version: 5.5.2
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found MSI: \Database64.msi version: 5.5.2
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found installed component: {2C7A82DB-69BC-4198-AC26-BB862F1BE4D0} version:
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found MSI: SUM.msi version:
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : System Property Check: All SEC components installed must be the same version - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Entered Eula page.
16-3-2020 16:08:48, INFO : Accepted Eula.
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Support operating system version and service pack must be installed...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : SupportedOS: Version: 10.0.14393 SP: 0.0 Architecture: 64-bit Edition: 18 Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter|C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1 Type: 3 MajorVersion: 10 MinorVersion: 0 SPMajorVersion: 0 SPMinorVersion: 0
BuildNumber: 14393 Caption: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter|C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1 OperatingSystemSKU: 8 OSArchitecture: 64-bit OSProductSuite: 400 OSType: 18 ProductType: 3 ServicePackMajorVersion: 0 ServicePackMinorVersion: 0 SuiteMask: 400 Version: 10.0.14393
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : ConsoleInstall: 1 ConsoleOnly: 0 InstallMode: 8
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Support operating system version and service pack must be installed - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Encryption must be not installed...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Encryption must be not installed - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: System account must be able to impersonate other accounts...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: System account must be able to impersonate other accounts - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Machine name should not exceed 15 characters...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Machine name should not exceed 15 characters - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Computer should have only one network adapter to ensure that RMS binds correctly...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Computer should have only one network adapter to ensure that RMS binds correctly - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Computer must be rebooted (Installer runonce key or SGN localCache detected) - Computer should be rebooted (warning if there are pending rename operations)...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Computer must be rebooted (Installer runonce key or SGN localCache detected) - Computer should be rebooted (warning if there are pending rename operations) - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Computer should have more than 4GB RAM...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Computer should have more than 4GB RAM - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: SEC 1.x, 2.0 or 3.x must not be installed on this computer...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Product is not installed on local system. Upgrade code: {AC0DE50E-751A-4081-8F5B-8DC7ACBBBD4A}
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : SEC 2.x is not installed on local system. MsiQueryProductState return -1
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : SEC 3.x is not installed on local system. MsiQueryProductState return -1
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: SEC 1.x, 2.0 or 3.x must not be installed on this computer - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos Help Desk must not be installed on this computer...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Product is not installed on local system. Upgrade code: {4ED6795A-1166-4277-B059-5189544286FE}
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos Help Desk must not be installed on this computer - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos Control Center 2.x must not be installed on this computer...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Product is not installed on local system. Upgrade code: {99D634CF-54AF-4FCD-8259-AF8BAA7E7FC5}
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos Control Center 2.x must not be installed on this computer - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Simple file sharing must be disabled...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Simple file sharing must be disabled - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos EM Console must not be installed on this computer...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Product is not installed on local system. Upgrade code: {32FF7557-4C84-4E2E-B917-EE09D8E59FDE}
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos EM Console must not be installed on this computer - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos EM Library must not be installed on this computer...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Product is not installed on local system. Upgrade code: {7A81AAEB-E07D-4E38-A36B-9B91FA0BA578}
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos EM Library must not be installed on this computer - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos Enterprise Console must not be running...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : EnterpriseConsole.exe not found in the list of processes running
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos Enterprise Console must not be running - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos Enterprise Manager must not be running...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : EnterpriseManager.exe not found in the list of processes running
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos Enterprise Manager must not be running - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos Control Center must not be running...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : SbeConsole.exe not found in the list of processes running
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos Control Center must not be running - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: This computer should have at least 8GB free disk space on the primary drive...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Enough space: 18822.000000 Mb
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: This computer should have at least 8GB free disk space on the primary drive - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: SEC should not be installed on a Domain Controller...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : The computer is not a Domain Controller
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: SEC should not be installed on a Domain Controller - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Logged on user must have rights to query the accounts used by the existing installation...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Logged on user must have rights to query the accounts used by the existing installation - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: .NET executable must be in the pre-req folder...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: .NET executable must be in the pre-req folder - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Checking database account for server upgrade...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Checking for presence of database: SOPHOS552 on instance: (local)\SOPHOS...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Database: SOPHOS552 exists on instance: (local)\SOPHOS.
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Validating whether credentials provided can access the selected sql instance...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, ERROR : Failed to create impersonation token for: domain\sophosuser. 6 - The handle is invalid.

16-3-2020 16:08:50, ERROR : Credentials cannot conenct to the remote database for the server upgrade
16-3-2020 16:08:50, ERROR : System Property Check: Checking database account for server upgrade - FAILED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: The logged on user must be able to connect to the domain controller in Active Directory...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: The logged on user must be able to connect to the domain controller in Active Directory - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: All subscriptions must be either recommended or previous tags...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: All subscriptions must be either recommended or previous tags - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: SUM subscription must be set to 'Recommended'...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: SUM subscription must be set to 'Recommended' - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: All subscriptions should have autosubscribe enabled...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: All subscriptions should have autosubscribe enabled - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: Endpoints with old RMS cannot handle SHA2 therefore they will not be able to communicate with management console...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Checking MAC endpoints...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Checking UNIX endpoints...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Checking VSHIELD endpoints...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Checking LINUX endpoints...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: Endpoints with old RMS cannot handle SHA2 therefore they will not be able to communicate with management console - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: Checking if PowerShell 3 or above is installed...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Found PowerShell version: 5.1.14393.0
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: Checking if PowerShell 3 or above is installed - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: Connection string validity state...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Validating connection string
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Get TLS conn str 2
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Get conn str 0
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Checking connection string 'Data Source=(local)\SOPHOS;Initial Catalog=SOPHOS551;Integrated Security=SSPI;Provider=SQLOLEDB;'
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connected, query result: 11
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: Connection string validity state - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: Check if connection string contains extra parameters...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Checking connection string for extra parameter
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Get TLS conn str 2
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Get conn str 0
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connection string has 4 params
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Cleaned connection string has 4 params
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: Check if connection string contains extra parameters - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: CredStore state...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : SCPU group exists: 0
CredStore installed: 0
KeyCheck: 2
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Clean install scenario
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: CredStore state - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:51, INFO : Entered PreChecks page.
16-3-2020 16:08:57, INFO : Clicked Cancel button
16-3-2020 16:08:58, INFO : Confirmed cancellation of the bootstrapper
16-3-2020 16:08:58, INFO : Cancel state: Idle
16-3-2020 16:08:58, INFO : Deactivate state: Idle
16-3-2020 16:08:58, INFO : Activate state: Cancelled
16-3-2020 16:08:58, INFO : Canceled wizard.
16-3-2020 16:08:59, INFO : Finished Bootstrapper
16-3-2020 16:08:59, INFO : Cleaned up socket.
16-3-2020 16:08:59, INFO : Uninitialized COM in main thread

This thread was automatically locked due to age.
Parents Reply Children
  • I don`t see any folder in :

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos or C:\ProgramData\Sophos with the credential store.

    I used the CredStore.msi from the sec_552 install folder. But the install is failed.

    What can i do to solve this issue

  • I tried it for the 2nd time and now the installation is successful. 

    This i can find in the store.log

    Logging Started 8716 2020-03-17@08-56-15-112
    2020-03-17 08:56:15.222 [INF] Service is starting...
    2020-03-17 08:56:15.237 [INF] Check that DP API is functioning correctly
    2020-03-17 08:56:15.269 [INF] DP API check succeeeded
    2020-03-17 08:56:15.284 [INF] Service has started
    2020-03-17 08:59:24.189 [INF] Service stopped
    Logging Started 7776 2020-03-17@08-59-25-642
    2020-03-17 08:59:25.658 [INF] Service is starting...
    2020-03-17 08:59:25.673 [INF] Check that DP API is functioning correctly
    2020-03-17 08:59:25.673 [INF] DP API check succeeeded
    2020-03-17 08:59:25.689 [INF] Service has started
    2020-03-17 09:02:13.703 [INF] Service stopped
    Logging Started 7236 2020-03-17@09-02-15-125
    2020-03-17 09:02:15.157 [INF] Service is starting...
    2020-03-17 09:02:15.157 [INF] Check that DP API is functioning correctly
    2020-03-17 09:02:15.172 [INF] DP API check succeeeded
    2020-03-17 09:02:15.188 [INF] Service has started
    2020-03-17 09:03:26.767 [INF] Read credential from store
    2020-03-17 09:03:26.767 [INF] 0 credential(s) found
    2020-03-17 09:03:26.783 [INF] Query store: 'SEC.Bootstrapper' - '5.5.2'
    2020-03-17 09:03:26.783 [INF] Get user name: 'SEC.DBUser' by 'sophosuser'
    2020-03-17 09:03:26.783 [WAR] Credential not found: 'SEC.DBUser'
    2020-03-17 09:03:27.142 [INF] Query store: 'SEC.Bootstrapper' - '5.5.2'
    2020-03-17 09:03:27.142 [INF] Get password: 'SEC.DBUser' by 'sophosuser'
    2020-03-17 09:03:27.142 [WAR] Credential not found: 'SEC.DBUser'