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Sophos upgrade from 5.5.1 to 5.5.2 failed


i Tried to upgrade Sophos Enterprise from 5.5.1 to 5.5.2. The upgrade is failed.

The error is : The server cannot be upgraded. The current credentials do not permit access to the sophos 552 database.

I manual upgraded the databases.

In the sophos bootstrapper :

Started Setup.exe, located at: C:\sec_552\ServerInstaller
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Verifying files in folder
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Target folder verification completed successfully
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Initialized COM in the main thread
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Initialized COM security in the main thread
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : The Winsock 2.2 dll was found okay.
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : --------System Information------------
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Computer Name: NAME
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter|C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Service Pack: 0
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : System Type: 64 bit Operating System
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Locale: en
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Logged-on User: sophosuser
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Domain: domain
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Command line args:
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : C:\sec_552\ServerInstaller\Setup.exe
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : --------------------------------------
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Checking SQLNCLI version...
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found same or newer SQLNCLI version (11.4.7001.0) in the 32 bit registry than the packed version (11.4.7001.0)
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Detected MSI version: 5.0.10011
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Activate state: Idle
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Obtaining SQL instances on local machine...
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found installed component: {F4B28D4D-CC92-4D47-A383-56386A13D69F} version: 5.5.1
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found MSI: \Console64.msi version: 5.5.2
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found installed component: {F588BA9B-A6FD-4D5A-9978-52925367AF0A} version: 5.5.1
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found MSI: \Server64.msi version: 5.5.2
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found MSI: \Database64.msi version: 5.5.2
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found installed component: {2C7A82DB-69BC-4198-AC26-BB862F1BE4D0} version:
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Found MSI: SUM.msi version:
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : SEC Console detected.
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : SEC Server detected.
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : SUM detected.
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Upgrade 5.x workflow
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '12': INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Sophos" INSTALLDIR32="C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos" SUM_INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos\Update Manager"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '19': UPGRADE="1"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '6': SERVER_COMPUTERNAME="sophosserver"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '5': SERVER_PORT="80"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, ERROR : No Sophos Credential Store Service found: 80040154
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '1': SERVER_USERNAME="sophosuser"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '2': SERVER_USERNAMEDOMAIN="domain"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, ERROR : No Sophos Credential Store Service found: 80040154
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '4': SERVER_USERNAMEPASSWORD="********"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : upn found:
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '3': SERVER_UPN=""
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Database account known. Database page will not be displayed
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : DB instance from registry: "(local)\SOPHOS"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '0': DATABASE_SERVERNAME="(local)\SOPHOS"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Non-encryption ready connection string built from registry for 'SOPHOS552': Data Source=(local)\SOPHOS;Initial Catalog=SOPHOS551;Integrated Security=SSPI;Provider=SQLOLEDB;
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Sanitizing and updating non-encryption ready connection string for 'SOPHOS552'...
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '0': DATABASE_SERVERNAME="(local)\SOPHOS" DATABASE_CONNECTIONSTRING="Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS552;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : There is no encryption ready connection string in the registry for 'SOPHOS552'
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Installation value ID '32': SECURITY_DATABASE_SERVERNAME="(local)\SOPHOS"
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Non-encryption ready connection string built from registry for 'SophosSecurity': Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SophosSecurity;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;
16-3-2020 16:08:11, INFO : Sanitizing and updating non-encryption ready connection string for 'SophosSecurity'...
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '32': SECURITY_DATABASE_SERVERNAME="(local)\SOPHOS" SECURITY_DATABASE_CONNECTIONSTRING="Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SophosSecurity;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : There is no encryption ready connection string in the registry for 'SophosSecurity'
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '33': PATCH_DATABASE_SERVERNAME="(local)\SOPHOS"
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Non-encryption ready connection string built from registry for 'SOPHOSPATCH52': Timeout=60;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOSPATCH52;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Sanitizing and updating non-encryption ready connection string for 'SOPHOSPATCH52'...
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '33': PATCH_DATABASE_SERVERNAME="(local)\SOPHOS" PATCH_DATABASE_CONNECTIONSTRING="Timeout=60;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOSPATCH52;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : There is no encryption ready connection string in the registry for 'SOPHOSPATCH52'
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '7': SERVER_FEEDBACKENABLED="1"
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '8': SERVER_FEEDBACKUSERNAME=""
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '9': SERVER_FEEDBACKEMAIL=""
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Installation value ID '20': DB_UPGRADE_VERSION="551"
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Checking for presence of database: SOPHOSENC52 on instance: ...
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Finished retrieving instances - Timeout
16-3-2020 16:08:12, INFO : Obtaining remote SQL instances on network...
16-3-2020 16:08:13, INFO : Finished retrieving instances - Timeout
16-3-2020 16:08:28, ERROR : COM error. Connection string: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Database=master;Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DataTypeCompatibility=80; - Error: Unspecified error, Description: Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
16-3-2020 16:08:28, INFO : Checking for presence of database: SOPHOSENC51 on instance: ...
16-3-2020 16:08:43, ERROR : COM error. Connection string: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Database=master;Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=;Trusted_Connection=Yes;DataTypeCompatibility=80; - Error: Unspecified error, Description: Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
16-3-2020 16:08:43, INFO : Installation value ID '29': ENCDBVERSION="0"
16-3-2020 16:08:43, INFO : SupportedOS isFatal: 1
16-3-2020 16:08:44, INFO : Entered Welcome page.
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Running System Property Check: User must be an administrator on this computer...
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : System Property Check: User must be an administrator on this computer - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Running System Property Check: All SEC components installed must be the same version...
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found installed component: {F4B28D4D-CC92-4D47-A383-56386A13D69F} version: 5.5.1
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found MSI: \Console64.msi version: 5.5.2
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found installed component: {F588BA9B-A6FD-4D5A-9978-52925367AF0A} version: 5.5.1
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found MSI: \Server64.msi version: 5.5.2
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found MSI: \Database64.msi version: 5.5.2
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found installed component: {2C7A82DB-69BC-4198-AC26-BB862F1BE4D0} version:
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Found MSI: SUM.msi version:
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : System Property Check: All SEC components installed must be the same version - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:47, INFO : Entered Eula page.
16-3-2020 16:08:48, INFO : Accepted Eula.
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Support operating system version and service pack must be installed...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : SupportedOS: Version: 10.0.14393 SP: 0.0 Architecture: 64-bit Edition: 18 Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter|C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1 Type: 3 MajorVersion: 10 MinorVersion: 0 SPMajorVersion: 0 SPMinorVersion: 0
BuildNumber: 14393 Caption: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter Name: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter|C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1 OperatingSystemSKU: 8 OSArchitecture: 64-bit OSProductSuite: 400 OSType: 18 ProductType: 3 ServicePackMajorVersion: 0 ServicePackMinorVersion: 0 SuiteMask: 400 Version: 10.0.14393
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : ConsoleInstall: 1 ConsoleOnly: 0 InstallMode: 8
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Support operating system version and service pack must be installed - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Encryption must be not installed...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Encryption must be not installed - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: System account must be able to impersonate other accounts...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: System account must be able to impersonate other accounts - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Machine name should not exceed 15 characters...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Machine name should not exceed 15 characters - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Computer should have only one network adapter to ensure that RMS binds correctly...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Computer should have only one network adapter to ensure that RMS binds correctly - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Computer must be rebooted (Installer runonce key or SGN localCache detected) - Computer should be rebooted (warning if there are pending rename operations)...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Computer must be rebooted (Installer runonce key or SGN localCache detected) - Computer should be rebooted (warning if there are pending rename operations) - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Computer should have more than 4GB RAM...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Computer should have more than 4GB RAM - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: SEC 1.x, 2.0 or 3.x must not be installed on this computer...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Product is not installed on local system. Upgrade code: {AC0DE50E-751A-4081-8F5B-8DC7ACBBBD4A}
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : SEC 2.x is not installed on local system. MsiQueryProductState return -1
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : SEC 3.x is not installed on local system. MsiQueryProductState return -1
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: SEC 1.x, 2.0 or 3.x must not be installed on this computer - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos Help Desk must not be installed on this computer...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Product is not installed on local system. Upgrade code: {4ED6795A-1166-4277-B059-5189544286FE}
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos Help Desk must not be installed on this computer - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos Control Center 2.x must not be installed on this computer...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Product is not installed on local system. Upgrade code: {99D634CF-54AF-4FCD-8259-AF8BAA7E7FC5}
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos Control Center 2.x must not be installed on this computer - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Simple file sharing must be disabled...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Simple file sharing must be disabled - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos EM Console must not be installed on this computer...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Product is not installed on local system. Upgrade code: {32FF7557-4C84-4E2E-B917-EE09D8E59FDE}
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos EM Console must not be installed on this computer - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos EM Library must not be installed on this computer...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Product is not installed on local system. Upgrade code: {7A81AAEB-E07D-4E38-A36B-9B91FA0BA578}
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos EM Library must not be installed on this computer - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos Enterprise Console must not be running...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : EnterpriseConsole.exe not found in the list of processes running
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos Enterprise Console must not be running - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos Enterprise Manager must not be running...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : EnterpriseManager.exe not found in the list of processes running
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos Enterprise Manager must not be running - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Sophos Control Center must not be running...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : SbeConsole.exe not found in the list of processes running
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Sophos Control Center must not be running - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: This computer should have at least 8GB free disk space on the primary drive...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Enough space: 18822.000000 Mb
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: This computer should have at least 8GB free disk space on the primary drive - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: SEC should not be installed on a Domain Controller...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : The computer is not a Domain Controller
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: SEC should not be installed on a Domain Controller - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Logged on user must have rights to query the accounts used by the existing installation...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: Logged on user must have rights to query the accounts used by the existing installation - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: .NET executable must be in the pre-req folder...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : System Property Check: .NET executable must be in the pre-req folder - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Running System Property Check: Checking database account for server upgrade...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Checking for presence of database: SOPHOS552 on instance: (local)\SOPHOS...
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Database: SOPHOS552 exists on instance: (local)\SOPHOS.
16-3-2020 16:08:49, INFO : Validating whether credentials provided can access the selected sql instance...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, ERROR : Failed to create impersonation token for: domain\sophosuser. 6 - The handle is invalid.

16-3-2020 16:08:50, ERROR : Credentials cannot conenct to the remote database for the server upgrade
16-3-2020 16:08:50, ERROR : System Property Check: Checking database account for server upgrade - FAILED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: The logged on user must be able to connect to the domain controller in Active Directory...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: The logged on user must be able to connect to the domain controller in Active Directory - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: All subscriptions must be either recommended or previous tags...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: All subscriptions must be either recommended or previous tags - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: SUM subscription must be set to 'Recommended'...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: SUM subscription must be set to 'Recommended' - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: All subscriptions should have autosubscribe enabled...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: All subscriptions should have autosubscribe enabled - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: Endpoints with old RMS cannot handle SHA2 therefore they will not be able to communicate with management console...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Checking MAC endpoints...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Checking UNIX endpoints...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Checking VSHIELD endpoints...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Checking LINUX endpoints...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connecting to existing Sophos database: Application Name=SEC Bootstrapper;Server=(local)\SOPHOS;Database=SOPHOS551;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Provider=SQLNCLI11;DataTypeCompatibility=80;
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Executing query...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: Endpoints with old RMS cannot handle SHA2 therefore they will not be able to communicate with management console - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: Checking if PowerShell 3 or above is installed...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Found PowerShell version: 5.1.14393.0
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: Checking if PowerShell 3 or above is installed - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: Connection string validity state...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Validating connection string
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Get TLS conn str 2
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Get conn str 0
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Checking connection string 'Data Source=(local)\SOPHOS;Initial Catalog=SOPHOS551;Integrated Security=SSPI;Provider=SQLOLEDB;'
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connected, query result: 11
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: Connection string validity state - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: Check if connection string contains extra parameters...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Checking connection string for extra parameter
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Get TLS conn str 2
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Get conn str 0
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Connection string has 4 params
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Cleaned connection string has 4 params
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: Check if connection string contains extra parameters - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Running System Property Check: CredStore state...
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : SCPU group exists: 0
CredStore installed: 0
KeyCheck: 2
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : Clean install scenario
16-3-2020 16:08:50, INFO : System Property Check: CredStore state - PASSED
16-3-2020 16:08:51, INFO : Entered PreChecks page.
16-3-2020 16:08:57, INFO : Clicked Cancel button
16-3-2020 16:08:58, INFO : Confirmed cancellation of the bootstrapper
16-3-2020 16:08:58, INFO : Cancel state: Idle
16-3-2020 16:08:58, INFO : Deactivate state: Idle
16-3-2020 16:08:58, INFO : Activate state: Cancelled
16-3-2020 16:08:58, INFO : Canceled wizard.
16-3-2020 16:08:59, INFO : Finished Bootstrapper
16-3-2020 16:08:59, INFO : Cleaned up socket.
16-3-2020 16:08:59, INFO : Uninitialized COM in main thread

This thread was automatically locked due to age.
  • Hi  

    I have referred the logs and can see that there is an issue with Sophos credential store. 

    Please refer to this post which has an answer to the Sophos Credential store issue.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support

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    If a post solves your question use the 'This helped me' link

  • I don`t see any folder in :

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Sophos or C:\ProgramData\Sophos with the credential store.

    I used the CredStore.msi from the sec_552 install folder. But the install is failed.

    What can i do to solve this issue

  • I tried it for the 2nd time and now the installation is successful. 

    This i can find in the store.log

    Logging Started 8716 2020-03-17@08-56-15-112
    2020-03-17 08:56:15.222 [INF] Service is starting...
    2020-03-17 08:56:15.237 [INF] Check that DP API is functioning correctly
    2020-03-17 08:56:15.269 [INF] DP API check succeeeded
    2020-03-17 08:56:15.284 [INF] Service has started
    2020-03-17 08:59:24.189 [INF] Service stopped
    Logging Started 7776 2020-03-17@08-59-25-642
    2020-03-17 08:59:25.658 [INF] Service is starting...
    2020-03-17 08:59:25.673 [INF] Check that DP API is functioning correctly
    2020-03-17 08:59:25.673 [INF] DP API check succeeeded
    2020-03-17 08:59:25.689 [INF] Service has started
    2020-03-17 09:02:13.703 [INF] Service stopped
    Logging Started 7236 2020-03-17@09-02-15-125
    2020-03-17 09:02:15.157 [INF] Service is starting...
    2020-03-17 09:02:15.157 [INF] Check that DP API is functioning correctly
    2020-03-17 09:02:15.172 [INF] DP API check succeeeded
    2020-03-17 09:02:15.188 [INF] Service has started
    2020-03-17 09:03:26.767 [INF] Read credential from store
    2020-03-17 09:03:26.767 [INF] 0 credential(s) found
    2020-03-17 09:03:26.783 [INF] Query store: 'SEC.Bootstrapper' - '5.5.2'
    2020-03-17 09:03:26.783 [INF] Get user name: 'SEC.DBUser' by 'sophosuser'
    2020-03-17 09:03:26.783 [WAR] Credential not found: 'SEC.DBUser'
    2020-03-17 09:03:27.142 [INF] Query store: 'SEC.Bootstrapper' - '5.5.2'
    2020-03-17 09:03:27.142 [INF] Get password: 'SEC.DBUser' by 'sophosuser'
    2020-03-17 09:03:27.142 [WAR] Credential not found: 'SEC.DBUser'