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Sophos Installation Failure

  Endpoint Installation Failed 

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  • Did you manage to resolve this problem ? i ask because i have this same error on some computers. in the installation logs i only see a permission error for a Sophos Registry.

    2024-06-11T22:33:59.535Z [ 5200:12256] W OpenKey(HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib\{4920465E-064D-4C21-8070-ADCBD3A3DE94}\1.0\0\win64) failed: Access is denied. (5)
    2024-06-11T22:33:59.535Z [ 5200:12256] E Failed step: SetRegistryValue(SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib\{4920465E-064D-4C21-8070-ADCBD3A3DE94}\1.0\0\win64, (Default), 64 Bit, C:\Program Files\Sophos\Sophos UI\SophosUIShellExt.dll), rolling back previous steps
  • Did you manage to resolve this problem ? i ask because i have this same error on some computers. in the installation logs i only see a permission error for a Sophos Registry.

    2024-06-11T22:33:59.535Z [ 5200:12256] W OpenKey(HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib\{4920465E-064D-4C21-8070-ADCBD3A3DE94}\1.0\0\win64) failed: Access is denied. (5)
    2024-06-11T22:33:59.535Z [ 5200:12256] E Failed step: SetRegistryValue(SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib\{4920465E-064D-4C21-8070-ADCBD3A3DE94}\1.0\0\win64, (Default), 64 Bit, C:\Program Files\Sophos\Sophos UI\SophosUIShellExt.dll), rolling back previous steps