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CRLoader Invalid appliance:Invalid appliance: Hardware checksum mismatch

my cyberoam CR 100iNG

I need help. I try to recover the password through CRLoader. But when I select 0  CRLoader in CLI mode it show error Invalid appliance: Hardware checksum mismatch

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  • I could thank you...

    Via console using PuTTY

    This is applicable for Sophos Firewall 17.5 and later.
    1. Sign in using PuTTY.
    2. Enter the incorrect password for the initial prompt.
    3. Enter the uppercase command RESET in the second password prompt.
    4. Select 4. Reset password for admin user.
    5. Enter y and press Enter.
    IN MY cyberoam (CR 100iNG) there is no option 4 select option 3 everything is reset
