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Firewall stops printer working wirelessly

Hi Just bought a Canon wireless printer and after a lot of work with their support team have been advised that the Sophos firewall is preventing the printer from working wirelessly.  Before I chuck the printer out the window can anyone offer some simple advice as to how i 'adjust' the firewall? 


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  • First most cannon software allows the printer to have dynamic IP address so it can bounce around. Setup a reservation so it gets the same address. Then open live log to monitor the ip to see what ports are dropping.
  • It helps to allow the BJNP (Bubble Jet Network Printer) protocol, to both the network and the broadcast address. Look into the Firewall log which of udp/tcp 5611 to 5614 to use. Mine worked at 5612.

    “First things first, but not necessarily in that order” – Doctor Who

  • I assume you are talking about the firewall in the PC? How is the AP setup, can you see it from your PC? Are you using the WIFI of the PC/laptop to talk to the AP? Have you disabled user isolation in the AP?


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