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Problems setting up new APX


We have a serious issue with a new AP we just received. The AP in question is the APX530. It's hooked up to a port on our Cisco switch which is a VLAN Trunk-type port, able to connect to all of our VLANs (more on this later), with the standard VLAN 1 as default.

Initially the AP grabs an IP from our main DHCP on VLAN 1 (this DHCP is our own, not UTMs) and chimes in as an unauthorized AP. When adding it, I specify that it needs to operate on VLAN 11 (which is where our other APs already work on). This is where the trouble starts. After setting this, the last thing I see in the logs is:

2022:10:18-09:54:17 firewall awed[27105]: [P120082JG9XB4E8] APX530 from identified as P120082JG9XB4E8
2022:10:18-09:54:17 firewall awed[27105]: [P120082JG9XB4E8] (Re-)loaded identity and/or configuration
2022:10:18-09:54:18 firewall awed[27105]: [P120082JG9XB4E8] ll_read: short read or connection error:
2022:10:18-09:54:18 firewall awed[27105]: [P120082JG9XB4E8] disconnected. Close socket and kill process.

It seems like the AP has issues switching to a different VLAN - it SHOULD grab a new IP (this time from the UTM), but it never does. Our other Sophos AP on lease works fine on the same switch port, so it seems to be something with the AP itself.

Any suggestions what the issue might be?

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  • Did you try to enable AP-Vlan-Tagging and setting AP-Vlan at AP-Level and AP-Group-Level already?

    Also, I would try to set VLAN1 as Tagged VLAN at the switch-port while the AP is "lost".


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Thanks & Regards,

    Vivek Jagad | Team Lead, Global Support & Services 

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  • The AP-VLAN-Tagging is the setting that seems to "break" the AP. I've also tried setting VLAN 1 as tagged when it's lost.

    The problem isn't with AP registration. As stated, if I don't switch the VLAN, I can register the AP. Unfortunately we need VLAN tagging for everything to work, and that's where the device fails.


    Correction. Even without setting a different VLAN it seems the AP fails to register. It only briefly shows up as a valid "unassigned" AP in UTMs AP list; after refreshing the AP shows as inactive with a warning triangle. Otherwise it keeps throwing the same messages in the Wireless log every 2 minutes:

    2022:10:18-12:21:50 firewall awed[20335]: [P120082JG9XB4E8] APX530 from identified as P120082JG9XB4E8 
    2022:10:18-12:21:50 firewall awed[20335]: [P120082JG9XB4E8] (Re-)loaded identity and/or configuration
    2022:10:18-12:21:51 firewall awed[20335]: [P120082JG9XB4E8] ll_read: short read or connection error:
    2022:10:18-12:21:51 firewall awed[20335]: [P120082JG9XB4E8] disconnected. Close socket and kill process.
  • Even if you didn't assign the AP to a group or enable VLAN at the AP ... you will never see the AP as connected?
    (if the AP connects without VLAN, the AP may get a new firmware and would connect later without problems)


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • As stated - no. It'll keep cycling with the error message provided in the original question, and will never really appear as "unassigned" (i.e. registered and ready for further config).

  • Well, this is awkward. I've scheduled the latest UTM patch installation yesterday and that took place last night. Today I found the new APX active and waiting to be used like it should.

    Either the new UTM patch had an undocumented fix (I saw nothing related in the patch notes) or an UTM reboot helped. If someone else has a similar issue in the future - a reboot doesn't hurt and could very well solve the issue. ;)