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Sophos Support Sendsafely Secure File Drop - Firewall CTR upload with no file extension

I tried to upload a Firewall CTR (Consolidated troubleshooting report) file to the support case via sendsafely.

unfortunately it is not possible to upload the file generated by the firewall. You need to manipulate it before, either zip it again or ad an allowed dummy file extension.

Either way is not optimal as it may cause questions by support when they cannot process the file.

Original file name as downloaded from the Webadmin of the firewall: CTR_X13108TQTGH79E2_07_25_23_09_20_24

Renamed to to be able to upload it on your portal.

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  • thanks - sure, this would be a nice feature, when the CTR will be uploaded somewhere automatically, jusrt like with the SDU from Sophos Central.

    In fact, it seems Support likes to collect the log files manually rather than using a CTR.