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APX-120 Access Point Show inactive on XGS116

In the beginning, APX-120 access points were managed using SOPHOS CENTRAL.

Now I want using xgs116 firewall to manage. After I accept the access point from the pending list

As title says, it stays in inactive Access points. And it seems I can't control the access point either.  How do I solve this problem?

I searched for many articles in the community, no related solution articles found

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  • The structure below is my environment, which is very simple. The access point is located behind the firewall. So there is no problem of port blocking.

    The access point can also get the IP assigned by the firewall, and the laptops in the local network can connect to the SSID of the access point and then access the Internet.

    Let me confuses is the default 2 SSIDs (GuestAP & Sophos) in the XGS116 firewall. After I assign the GuestAP SSID to the access point, the access point does not seem to enable it. But if I go to SOPHOS CENTRAL and add a new SSID and assign it to the access point, it will take effect.

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