The last couple of times I have had to reboot our XGS 3100 it has taken a very long time to become active again.
I paid more attention this last time and the hard disk LED is almost constantly lit. There are very brief periods when it goes out, starts flickering and then goes solid again. Took 30 minutes for network interfaces to come up and a further 10 minutes before all connectivity was restored.
The last two reboots were to restore full functionality to our site-to-site IPSEC tunnels but other than that the XGS was working fine.
Hard disk space utilisation:
configuration 10%
content 4%
report 22%
Running SFOS 21.0.0 GA-Build169
Any suggestions?
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[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 10:25 AM (GMT -8) on 14 Jan 2025]