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Home license on XGS hardware - did anyone get this running?

Dear community,

I recently purchased a pre-owned XGS116w appliance and would like to run the home license on it. There are several forum posts how to start to get a home license onto a XGS hardware, but I could not find any which actually stated "I've succeeded in running a home license on a XGS appliance!".

Maybe my search was not thorough enough, but does anybody successfully run the home license on XGS hardware? 



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  • Hi Oliver,

    Thank you for reaching out to Sophos Community.

    For XGS, this would not be possible even if you replaced the SSD.

    • "Note: For XGS hardware, this won’t install/run/work, even with replacing the SSD"

    You may refer to the following KB:  Sophos Firewall Home 

    I've also verified this with our Internal team.

    "It's possible to use a home license for SW ISO – the customer could install SW ISO on any hardware (including SG and XG – but not on XGS)."

    Erick Jan
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Hi Erick

    Would it be possible to get a version of the SW ISO made to be compatible with the Home License for the XGS Hardware in the future when v21 drops for example, with the EOL of the XG Hardware coming soon and the XGS Hardware already having been around for some time the hardware starting to filter down to Homelab Users, I have been asked countless time on Youtube and other platforms why you cant use a XGS and it would help drive uptick in terms of recognition of Sophos Firewall over PFSense/OPNsense for people getting to grips with a it, Not asking for top priority but it would put some good press Sophos way also instead of just having to let good XGS units get WEEE binned because you can even use them in a lab or for home use

    JimtheITguy - Influx Solutions

    Sophos XG Engineer

    Sophos Silver Partner

  • Just wondering, why would people throw away a XGS appliance? 
    XG hardware will go EOL, but an XGS Hardware can be reused by a Partner or other use cases like a Partner can get an NFR License for the XGS Hardware. 


  • When time goes by hardware gets old and it simply doesn't get used anymore in a corporate environment. For now the earliest XGS devices might not be "that old", but they will get to this point. XGS hardware reaching 3 years old might be replaced by some companies and this hardware is not very likely to be bought back by partners but it may find its way to home users (if only it were usable).

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

  • Plenty of near new appliances end up on ebay when companies fold, kit gets gathered by clearance companies, some companies may change firewalls out ever few years to a different solutions, there are a few XGS appliances on ebay now.....must resist would be good for the homelab community if these devices could be leveraged instead of having to get the nonames from aliexpress or the older SG/XG units

    Sophos XG Engineer

    Sophos Silver Partner

  • Plenty of near new appliances end up on ebay when companies fold, kit gets gathered by clearance companies, some companies may change firewalls out ever few years to a different solutions, there are a few XGS appliances on ebay now.....must resist would be good for the homelab community if these devices could be leveraged instead of having to get the nonames from aliexpress or the older SG/XG units

    Sophos XG Engineer

    Sophos Silver Partner

  • This would be a feature request, I guess. As home users do not have the possibility to file a feature request, and you (JimtheITguy) happen to be a Sophos Silver Partner, maybe you can do so? If you have actually access to this channel, that is. 



  • I don't think Sophos is interrested in making SFOS SW compatible on XGS devices.

    On the other side it also would not harm them, but also not creating more money.

    For the sophos loving fan boys like me it is an absolutely win to use a home lic on a dedicated sophos appliance, but only for prestige. It also would run great on my hypervisor or on another 19" firewall / server appliance.

    I also think that sophos home is not the darling and favourite on the product list and roadmap for all upper heads from sophos empire, because not only "home users" are using thouse licenses, but also smaller companies which want to save money.

    A good compromise would be to offer new type of licenses for "power users", charging few bucks and also offer a possibility to usage on a xgs.

    It generally would be better charging home licenses a little bit, offering no tec support, only support here by its own and the community...better than a sudden cancellation of home lic in future.

  • That is not the point of Sophos Home licenses.

    Essentially the approach from Sophos is: We are offering a free usage of our full service product with no charge for our products. 

    As this product does not intend to make money, it is not something Sophos is willing to invest money into. Building a charging service and the backend + adjusting the Central component to support a charging system is something, which costs resources to develop.

    Sophos never supported Home on a hardware platform - Because this would mean, we would have to build a new licensing system to support this. 

    It is about the balance of being mindful of your resources and how much money you get back.

    The commitment was always to offer the firewall as a free service and starting to charge it has the downside of above, that you would then have to invest in the first place. 


  • Astaro (bought by Sophos) originally charged a nominal fee for the home licence but stooped when the load became too large and was seen as a lose making product, so moved to the free licence which Sophos has basically cotinued.


    XG115W - v20.0.3 MR-3 - on holiday

    XGS118 - v21 GA

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