Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Please advise how to block spam messages while using imaps and how to get smtp into the logviewer?

Hi folks,

a while ago I had issues with SASI not logging all iMaps traffic. The issue has been partially resolved by changing firewall mail rules.

A new issue is I receive over 1000 spam messages a day from the same sites via the mail post office address. I can't block the IP address because it is a valid mail server address fro genuine messages.

The question is, how do I use the XG to block the unwanted traffic? Further I will be following up with the mail service as to why their spam engine reports the messages as not spam.

Next item, how to get user sent messages using SMTP into the logs and be reported daily? The XG sent daily reports show in the daily reports.


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