Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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XGS - How to make an Exception for unauthenticated users


on my old UTM i got an exception which gave web access to unauthenticated users to several domains like or

How is that possible on xgs? The Webfilter does not contain an exception for authentication.

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  • If I understand the question correctly, you want "devices" to access those URL. So that would be a classic network firewall rule with no authentication enabled.

    allow network A to * port 443

    similar to the screenshot, or course with wildcard FQDN as destination

  • Essentially SFOS does not support unauthenticated requests, as the requests has to be sorted before that. 

    Therefore you need to create a wildcard firewall Rule for microsoft without Authentication. It essentially lead to the same. 
