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Different rules per interface under WAN zone?

Hello Guys,


So we have 3 WAN interfaces connected to our Sophos.
These WANs are really different in their performance (download/upload speed) and even BW limitations.

*These are satellite links.

Anyway, i'm trying to set rules depending on the outgoing interface, but all i can do is "zone" which includes all of the 3.

I want for example - if only the "slow" WAN is available - i need to limit/block lots of things
On the other side, if the "fast" WAN is available - most of the traffic will be allowed.

But as it seems, i can choose "WAN" as outoging zone - so i cannot differentiate between each interface.


The only option for me is to use 3 separate zones, and avoid using the WAN zone? 


Thank you. 

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Parents Reply
  • Sagi,

    on v18, you need to use SD-WAN and make sure that SD-WAN takes precedence than static routes. You can check the route precedence on XG console:

    system route_precedence show

    On v17, you can select the gateway you want from the firewall rule.

    If it does not work, please share the firewall rules.

