Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Azure VPN traffic denied after migrating to v18

Prior to migrating to v18, I had a fully functioning IPSEC S2S VPN to Azure. After migrating, whilst some traffic works, most traffic inbound from Azure is dropped by the firewall, causing some services to fail. Message in log is invalid TCP state. Outbound traffic to Azure is flowing. In below image, src ip is an Azure server and dst IP is the Sophos IP. 

Any advice, please?

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  • Hi  

    Could you please share drop packet capture? Please use the article to capture drop packets and share the logs -

    Please also verify Firewall Rule and NAT rule for VPN to LAN and LAN to VPN communication


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support
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  • Hi  

    Thanks for the reply. Getting a different error now, however is an example of the dropped packet capture

    2020-02-25 15:12:41 010202130 IP > : proto TCP: R 1453707849:1453707849(0) checksum : 41137
    0x0000: 4500 0028 7ae6 4000 8006 aade 0a64 0004 E..(z.@......d..
    0x0010: c0a8 09fb c20f 640a 56a5 d249 e718 03f2 ......d.V..I....
    0x0020: 5014 0000 a0b1 0000 P.......
    Date=2020-02-25 Time=15:12:41 log_id=010202130 log_type=Firewall log_component=Invalid_Traffic log_subtype=Denied log_status=N/A log_priority=Alert duration=N/A in_dev= out_dev= inzone_id=0 outzone_id=0 source_mac= dest_mac= bridge_name= l3_protocol=IPv4 source_ip= dest_ip= l4_protocol=TCP source_port=49679 dest_port=25610 fw_rule_id=N/A policytype=0 live_userid=0 userid=0 user_gp=0 ips_id=0 sslvpn_id=0 web_filter_id=0 hotspot_id=0 hotspotuser_id=0 hb_src=0 hb_dst=0 dnat_done=0 icap_id=0 app_filter_id=0 app_category_id=0 app_id=0 category_id=0 bandwidth_id=0 up_classid=0 dn_classid=0 nat_id=0 cluster_node=0 inmark=0x0 nfqueue=0 gateway_offset=0 connid=0 masterid=0 status=0 state=0, flag0=0 flags1=0 pbdid_dir0=0 pbrid_dir1=0

    Firewall rule was migrated automatically (working previously). But I have since tried making a linked Nat rule also, to no avail. What is odd is that some traffic does work, like UNC,ping,  printing and other traffic not. 

  • Hi  

    The provided drop packet is for RESET TCP packet but the firewall rule ID is showing is NA, I would recommend opening the support case to investigate the issue further, it requires to verify the configuration and packet captures to resolve the issue. Please PM us the service request number.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support
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  • Would recommend to change to VTI for Azure.


  •  thanks for the tip. Have switched and definitely way better! Solved all problems. 

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