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MESH issue



With UTM 9.701 and XG v18 GA, I have tested wifi with APX 320 and APX 530, all works, except MESH wifi and seperate zone nets, also MESH AP is very unstable, often goes offline after restart.


The setup, done with customer and done in home lab, same result:




1) When transmitting seperate zone wifi (VXLAN) SSID is broadcasted on all AP's, it also works on the ROOT AP, but MESH AP does broadcast, does assign IP to the device, but no traffic can flow. Bridge to AP LAN works fine on MESH AP

2) Often one is being alerted with the MESH AP is offline, it can suddenly happen during the day, happens at customers site and in the lab, the APX turns RED.


have started case with support, but they have not gotten back with a fix yet, and we have been on the run for 3 weeks :-(


Anyone else have tried this?

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