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QOS - with dynamic/unknown WAN BW

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to see if Sophos can help our customers with QOS settings.

Thing is, we are talking about satellite connectivity here (Bgan/Vsat).

The main issue for me is - we cannot know the exact B/W available at a given moment.


The setup is:  LAN --> SOPHOS --> Cisco Router  | Cisco router will route traffic to 2 different terminals with totally different performance. 
Since we do not have access to the Cisco router, we cannot know which terminal the router is using. 
Our only way is to do speed tests/pings and according to the latency/download speed - we are able to figure out if we are on the "fast" or "slow" satellite network.


So my question is: 
- Can we configure Sophos with QOS without knowing our current total BW?
- Can we configure the QOS (based on protocols/source IP's etc) with percentage of the available BW? (assuming Sophos can auto detect the current BW somehow?)

Note: we can use 2 interfaces from the Sophos to the Cisco router and configure different QOS on each interface - but both interfaces will always be UP - and will be routed the same.
This was good option if we could do something like IP SLA - to test latency and "change" to different interface if latency is too high (different interface - different rules).

Thanks in advance, 

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  • Thank you Iferrara,


    I totally agree about knowing your B/W but since we are talking on satellite network - this is almost impossible.

    Even if i know i'm on the "fast" satellite network - the bandwidth is very dynamic due to load on the satellite / heavy rain / waves and more.. 


    Limiting the Lan side can work, but it is not very useful:
    if i limit User X, but not limit User Y -  if User Y is not doing any traffic, User X is still limited i believe?

    Since we are talking here about satellite network, the  BW is already very low so we try to avoid limiting lower priority Users when it is not needed.


    I will go over the links you sent, maybe i can find something there.

    Thanks again!