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Cyberoam cr50iNG SFOS 17.5.9 MR-9 HA Active Passive SMTP problem.....


We have 2 Cyberoam cr50iNG that were working fine in ActivePassive HA (on SFOS 17.5.3) until one of the units (auxilliary) failed and was RMA'd with a replacement.

We had to flash the RMA'd unit with the latest SFOS 17.5.9 MR-9 other wise it would not boot due to a partition size bug!!!!! (this really p!553d us off!)

Once that one and the Main unit were both on SFOS 17.5.9 MR-9 we re-established the ActivePassive HA successfully.

However, no matter what we do, emails will not come in until we disable HA again! Whether we reconfigure the inbound business rules or create a blanket allow all rule WAN zone port 25 inbound the port 25 traffic will not come in to the unit. Other business rules (e.g. RDP) are fine inbound! We suspect the VoIP is not passing correctly either (SIP trunks)

We have factory reset the RMA's auxilliary and recreated the HA. Exactly the same has happened too. We have a case open but Sophos Support are neither responsive or available when needed (time zones! phone queues!).

We can't go back to an earlier firmware as the RMA'd Cyberoam will not load it. 


Any ideas anyone? 




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