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Api Firewall Policy HTTPBased response 501

I am trying to add one HTTPBasedPolicy but I always get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Response APIVersion="1702.1" IPS_CAT_VER="1">


    <status>Authentication Successful</status>


  <SecurityPolicy transactionid="">

    <Status code="501">Configuration parameters validation failed.</Status>




I have read “Create FIrewall Policy - HTTPBased response 501” but doesn’t give the response.
I wasn’t able to find the log due my missing unix/linux experience



Please note: Italic is used for confidential values

Before checking the request reported below I was able to cancel a rule with the following:<Request APIVersion='1702.1'><Login><Username>UserForApi</Username><Password passwordform="encrypt">Encrypted password</Password></Login><Remove><SecurityPolicy><Name>Rule name</Name></SecurityPolicy></Remove></Request>

I have exported the policy definition.
The only change that resulted in improvement was ><HostedAddress>#Port3</HostedAddress> to ><HostedAddress></HostedAddress>

All other changes done didn’t change the message.


<Request APIVersion='1702.1'>

<Login> <Username> UserForApi </Username>

<Password passwordform='encrypt'> Encrypted password </Password> </Login>

<Set operation='add'>

<SecurityPolicy transactionid = '' >

<Name> Rule name </Name>






<After><Name>Preceding rule</Name></After>






<allowed_networks>Any IPv4</allowed_networks>











<ProtocolSecurity>Web Sever Base</ProtocolSecurity>















I think the export output is in some way different from input but having so many parameter is impossible to find the ones in error.

Help would be appreciated.

Ps:Sorry for my English.

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