Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Can't delete a user

XG330, under Authentication, Users, Select user and click the trash icon, Ok.  I get a message that says "user could not be deleted.  A firewall rule, VPN connection or web policy rule exists for this user".  I have gone through each and I can't find one that exits.  How do I locate it?  Thanks.

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  • Currently, that is not easy to spot. 

    You should start with the User. If you click on the User, you will see a link of all VPN Policies and Groups.



  • Currently, that is not easy to spot. 

    You should start with the User. If you click on the User, you will see a link of all VPN Policies and Groups.



  • Thank you for the suggestion.  I have already been in the user settings and removed the remote access policy that it had.  But when I try to take it out of the group it's in then click save, it says "you must select the group".  I put it in every other group listed but it still won't let me delete the  user.  The user did belong to a firewall rule but I deleted it.  Any other suggestions? 

  • Any update on this? I'm having the same issue. First issue was that I can't log into the user portal from a tablet or laptop but can do it with no problems on a desktop. 


    So I decided to delete the user and try again, can't do that, "User could not be deleted. A firewall rule, VPN connection or web policy rule exists for this user." Tired both ways, trashcan on the right side and also check marking box and clicking on "Delete" at the top.


    SFV4C6 (SFOS 17.5.8 MR-8)

  • Hi Jeff,


    I figured it out. I was having the same issue today and when i disabled the below i was able to delete the user.