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Missing Reports data

The data was missing after 2019 March 20 until today




Here the capture from Diagnostic | Reports Graphs | Disk usage of the last two hours

The Max was 88% but

From Reports | Compliance | Events | System Events

show 90% and stop from 19th until today

From CLI

and the uptime is

There was power outage last month and can't be handle by UPS.

Here the screen shot from System Services | Log Settings

Local and iview has no data record, only Splunk that has data

The KB that guide me

From the picture above, is any one can help me to solved this issue? I need the report for monthly report

Thank You in advance

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  • As per your cited Knowledgebase Article 123209, reporting stops when your disk utilization reaches over 80%. As per your image, report partition is at 87%. If it reaches 90%, it could cause the reportdb service to stop running. I suggest you manually purge your reports to decrease this size. Once that’s done, please check the service status of reportdb on the advanced shell using ‘service -S’

    If it is dead, please restart service (service reportdb:restart -ds nosync) and reboot your firewall.

    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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  • As per your cited Knowledgebase Article 123209, reporting stops when your disk utilization reaches over 80%. As per your image, report partition is at 87%. If it reaches 90%, it could cause the reportdb service to stop running. I suggest you manually purge your reports to decrease this size. Once that’s done, please check the service status of reportdb on the advanced shell using ‘service -S’

    If it is dead, please restart service (service reportdb:restart -ds nosync) and reboot your firewall.

    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

    Knowledge Base  |  @SophosSupport  | Sign up for SMS Alerts
    If a post solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.
  • Thank you for the Answer, I did service Manual Purge for 5 month but from 88% only drop to 87% after waiting 6 hours, even tough the NMS never show hitting 90% with 5 minute check duration pooling, Max was 88% from November to this Maret,  but I don't know how the event said hit 90%, did to for service reportdb:restart -ds nosyncbut has no luck but after reboot, everything back normal (to do this reboot need waiting approval 6 hour hihihihi :)


    Thank you for the pointing the reboot