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After changes in the settings the pin for the proteced apps is resetet

Hello together,

We only use Android devices, I'm only referring to Android here:
We have created an app group in Sophos Central.
This app group we have included in the guidelines in the app protection so that these are occupied by a pin and are accessible only by the support. Now, however, as soon as we make changes in the restrictions or in the Knox profile, this PIN is resetet and  user can/need assign a new pin and then access the apps.

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  • Thanks for following up. I can confirm that this is the same behaviour I observed when testing the feature out locally. I suspect this is because the entire Android Enterprise policy is pushed to the device, over-writing the restrictions/configurations present previously.

    I will reach out internally to inquire if any changes are planned/will be considered. If this is not the case, we can also proceed with submitting a feature request. 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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