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Locate Device Failing


We have been using the Locate Device for a while and its been good to us.

Locating device not failing with Samsung Xcover 4 and Samsung A52/A53.

However, with Samsung A03, A13 and 14 - we are getting locate failed error for some reason.

All permissions are granted with the location and same configuration with the working ones.

Are we missing any settings or are these devices are part of the unsupported mobile types?

Thank you for any leads.

Kind Regards,


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  • Hi Jude,

    Thanks for reaching out to the Sophos Community Forum. 

    I suggest checking if the Sophos Mobile Control app is running in the background on the affected device. If the app has gone to sleep or is not otherwise available to receive the request for location, this may fail. 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Hi Kushal,

    All working. This is a new device and new installation. Sophos able to connect to the phone and I do see see notification straight from the phone that Sophos is gathering some data from the device however on the last part of the process, it just completely fail. 

  • I was able to test on an A03 device successfully, but did not encounter any issues. 

    Do the test result change if you have the Sophos Mobile Control app opened when sending the location request? I performed a refresh within the app to ensure the request was responded to. 

    Could you click the magnifying glass icon on the "Locate" task and share a screenshot of the steps/failures shown? 

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • Hi Kushal,

    I dont have access to any A03's now as it wasnt compatible to another software we had. We are now on A14.
    Here's the screenshot for the task progress.

    The other devices have the same errors. 

  • If you do see the device respond locally to the location request, I presume the "Last SMC synchronization" time is very recent. 

    Are you performing these tests while connected to a specific network, or is this being done over cellular data? It is strange that the timeout would occur only a minute after the request is sent to the device. When testing this again while only keeping the Control app open in the app switcher, I see the following results. 

    If the issue continues to persist regardless of using cellular data, I'd suggest opening a support case with our team.

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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  • If you do see the device respond locally to the location request, I presume the "Last SMC synchronization" time is very recent. 

    Are you performing these tests while connected to a specific network, or is this being done over cellular data? It is strange that the timeout would occur only a minute after the request is sent to the device. When testing this again while only keeping the Control app open in the app switcher, I see the following results. 

    If the issue continues to persist regardless of using cellular data, I'd suggest opening a support case with our team.

    Kushal Lakhan
    Team Lead, Global Community Support
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