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After install device shows as NOT managed and NOT compliant.

After install device shows as NOT managed and NOT compliant. I have reinstalled several times using the wizard and can't seem to get the device "managed" which I guess is why it is non-compliant. How do I install Mobile properly on an iPad? The documentation is horrible.

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  • I finally got it to show as "Managed" but it still isn't compliant. It says it hasn't synced. On the iPad I have clicked "Synchronize" under Management Info. Then, under the "Not compliant" section I choose "Fix It" then "OK". I left them overnight to sync, but no luck. This software seems to be substandard—if you click a button to Sync and it doesn't sync, then it should give some sort of feedback. And the documentation is absolutely horrible‚—it leaves out a few critical steps. And thei tech support is lacking, too. I might just go to BitDefender as it also works on M1 Macs.