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Sophos mobile teamviewer integration issue

Dear all,

I just enabled the teamviewer integration to our Sophos mobile and succesfully connected to a device. The strange thing is, that I can not control the device myself, I can just see what the user is doing on this phone and request them to take a screenshot for example.

Is there a way that I can take control over this phone completely?


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Parents Reply Children
  • I think everything is set correctly.

    When I connect from my licensed Teamviewer from my PC to the Quicksupport App on my Android which is not in the work profile, I can control my phone.

    When I connect from my licensed Teamviewer from my PC to the Quicksupport App installed via Sophos mobile which is in the Android Enterprise work profile, I can not control my phone. I only have control when the Quicksupport App is opend in the front of the mobile phone.

  • Just tested it again. I can only control Apps in the work profile, once the user clicked on an app.

    Is it possible that I can control his complete phone without the user doing actions?

  • Hi 

    TeamViewer integration allows you to launch a remote control session with an Android device, iPhone, or iPad from within Sophos Mobile without having to use a session ID or password. A trigger is sent to the Sophos Mobile Control device to ask the user to accept the TeamViewer session for app. 

    Once the user acknowledges the connection, you should be able to control the device


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