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Android Enterprise Superadmin created task Bundle

Hello, i have created and setup Android enterprise using a work profile. this alla ppears to be working fine however i have one problem.

i like to create policies and task bundles via superadmin and then apply these policies and bundles to customer containers to techs cannot amend these, however the task bundle to created, if i amend this bundle to include a managed google play app "Install managed Google Play app" i dont have any apps in the list to choose from and there is no option to specify an App ID.

we have enrolled Android Enterprise in one of the customer containers and approved a list of apps, within the super admin container under setup\Android there is no options to enrol android enterprise.

could you explain how i get this to populate please?

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Parents Reply
  • yes i can create task bundles and populate them with apps within the customers containers but when logged into Superadmin, Task Bundles\Android i cannot populate it with apps as there is none showing in the list as seen in the screen shot. many thanks for your help.
