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Validation failed, Bootloader unlocked ??

Straight out of the box new phone, First thing installed sophos mobile x after activation. Two security risk found, failed google validation an unlocked bootloader. To fix problem restore to untampered original state?? I tried factory reset and found in the cache recovery log file the device is provisioned even a user name teleenock3. How do I undo this or what should I do??

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  • Hi  

    Would you please suggest through what device is provisioned already? Is there any application through which it is provisioned. 

    The suggestion to remove these notifications should already be provided with them. You need to tap on those notifications.


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  • To start I've already been victimized by identity theives, and going thru the process of recovery.. It's a brand new phone and I made the mistake of activating with my original Google account thinking it's been secured.. Long story short I had problems within hours. I took pictures  of the cache recovery and kmsg log files and contacted the provider who helped me reactivate the phone with new number and I created a new Google account with a fictional name upon activation..  I've only installed sophus mobile x, everything else is factory.. in the cashe recovery log, device provision = 1 comes up also username teleenock3.. I've started researching the log file checking for device security as I found several keyloggers and other malice spyware in the recovery logs an kmsg logs in 3 previous phones.. I've made fraud reports with local authorities whom are useless only giving me the advice to destroy my devices hence a next new phone.. every online account has been compromised, google, microsoft, paypal ECT.. none of witch will I use on this device. The google account I used in the activation was actually one created after filling fraud reports apparently also compromised. . Yes I'm alil paraniod and do not trust this device either, really so when sophus shows the bootloader unlocked and the phone fails Android authentication?? I assure you I've have not altered, tampered with or unlocked anything, this phone is exactly as it came out of the box.. No downliads, no apps other than factory ship with the exception of sophus mobile x

  • Hi  

    In the above scenario where a brand new phone has already been compromised, there is only one way to deal is to take this to you mobile phone vendor and ask them about the issue which it has currently.

    Sophos Mobile Intercept X can provide you protection against the malware and etc when the device is clean but if it is already infected before installing the Intercept X, the issue will persist even after installing it.


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  • Hi  

    In the above scenario where a brand new phone has already been compromised, there is only one way to deal is to take this to you mobile phone vendor and ask them about the issue which it has currently.

    Sophos Mobile Intercept X can provide you protection against the malware and etc when the device is clean but if it is already infected before installing the Intercept X, the issue will persist even after installing it.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support

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  • I've found no other issues with this device except the bootloader is unlocked and it fails validation?? That being said, should I still proceed to contact the vendor?? May I ask ?? Is the Android operating system written on 1970 Lennox code as the very first line in the cashe recovery log file states starting file recovery dating Jan 1970 and I see there is a Lennox 3.14 or such giving also running three processes as in 3 cpu's I take it to be virtual knowing the phone does not have 3 processors?? Any help or input is greatly appreciated and just to state Sophus is the best app out there and I highly recommend to everyone

  • Hi  

    I understand your concern but in the above-mentioned case, Phone vendor can only help you out as the device itself came out as compromised. The operating system which you have received has been loaded by the phone company/vendor.


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