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How do I remove "Pirrit" on a Mac?

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  • Great! 3 weeks to answer a support question. 

    That is really old school.....

    What do you believe have happened in the meantime?


  • Hi Henrik,

    For immediate support, you may contact our Support Team by opening a ticket through our WebForm, SophServ, Live Chat or by giving us a call.



    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Henrik,

    This is not Sophos Technical Support.  That is at

    This is Sophos Community.  This is a form of crowd support. It is a group of your fellow customers and users trying to help each other out.  Sometimes a fellow user can share exact experience with an issue that a tech support technician has not experienced themselves, must often follow a procedure written by someone else who has not dealt with the issue, ask you a lot of clarifying questions, suggest things for you to do that you have already tried, ask someone else questions, and send you to some other technician, just to get close to a possible solution.  Sometimes another user can say, "Henrick, That fix is easy . Just click _____."  The catch to Community support is that the person with your answer may no be on when you need them.


    but to answer your question...

    Henrik Stadler said:

    Great! 3 weeks to answer a support question. 

    That is really old school.....

    What do you believe have happened in the meantime?



    You can clean this manually by logging into your Mac.  At the top of your screen, Click on Go > Computer.  In the pope-screen, Click on Library.  Delete folder "gneisswfbqogy".  Restart and Re-scan.