We are excited to announce our latest integration into Connectwise Automate.  Allowing for robust features such as;

  • View and management of Sophos Central Endpoints and Alerts directly from within the Automate application.
  • Aggregated Dashboard view of issues across all managed customers.
  • New deployment model designed from the ground up with automation in mind. 

You can view the Features & Setup Instruction Here.

  • Since I tried to ask the question in the webinar this morning and it was claimed that there were "no questions from the audience," I'll ask here: Is there a way to set per-machine auto-deployment overrides? We are NOT going to create a bunch of pseudo-Locations just to prevent auto-deployment to endpoints we need to keep AV off of, so if there's no mechanism for that then we're not going to be able to use this.

  • I also didn't get my questions addressed. I've emailed my rep.

  • I got my reply via email. Per-machine deployment override is there: You have to go into the Computer page, select a machine, click the Auto Deploy button, then toggle Exclude and set the options.

    Also, the install docs for the new plugin don't specify this, but if you have the previous SophCen "solution" in Automate currently, you only need to go into each Client/Location and de-select the Deploy checkbox to prevent the old solution and the new plugin from fighting with one another. You don't have to uninstall the previous "solution."

  • I got my reply via email. Per-machine deployment override is there: You have to go into the Computer page, select a machine, click the Auto Deploy button, then toggle Exclude and set the options.

    Also, the install docs for the new plugin don't specify this, but if you have the previous SophCen "solution" in Automate currently, you only need to go into each Client/Location and de-select the Deploy checkbox to prevent the old solution and the new plugin from fighting with one another. You don't have to uninstall the previous "solution."
