[HowTo] Lets Encrypt Renewal Process with Factory

Disclaimer: This information is provided as-is for the benefit of the Community. Please contact Sophos Professional Services if you require assistance with your specific environment.

Sophos Factory offers a free Community Edition.  Sophos Factory  Sophos Factory Community Edition 

Requirements for this HowTo:

Having a Factory Account (Community or Paid). 
Having a AWS Account, which has access to Route53 and S3. 
Having a single domain within Route53. For Pricing, see: https://aws.amazon.com/en/route53/pricing/ 

In this HowTo we are going to do the following steps: 

We build a Factory Pipeline, which renewals a LetsEncrypt (Wildcard or Single) Certificate with a tool called Lego using DNS Verification. 
Lego gives us the opportunity to do it via DNS and with a CNAME Request. https://github.com/go-acme/lego 
DNS Challenges are using a API of a DNS Provider, publishing the needed record on a "_acme-challange.customer.com" DNS record and fetching the certificate. 
With Lego, we can do a CNAME Challenge as well - Meaning: You can point any Domain of X00 of domains via CNAME to a API capable DNS Provider (like Route53). See: https://letsencrypt.org/2019/10/09/onboarding-your-customers-with-lets-encrypt-and-acme.html 

What to do: 

1. Create your Factory Account, if not already available. Create your AWS Account, if not already available. 

2. Create the AWS Route53 Domain, you want to use for Renewal. See Pricing for more information. See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/domain-register.html 

3. Create a CNAME in your Domain Provider of your Choice directly to your AWS Route53 Domain: 

factory.saleseng.de is my LetsEncrypt Domain. saleseng.acmesaleseng.de is my Route53 Domain. 

4. Create a AWS IAM User with the needed access to the S3 bucket and the Route53 Module. See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_users_create.html 

5. Generate the IAM User Access Keys for Factory: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_access-keys.html 

6. Use the IAM Access Key in Factory:


In Sophos Factory: You can copy/paste the code via editor into your setup. 

  - type: Credential
    name: AWS Credential
    key: credential
    required: true
    visible: true
    default: false
      - aws_access_key
    description: AWS Credential with permissions to upload to S3 Bucket and Route53.
  - type: StringArray
    name: Domains
    key: domains
    required: true
    visible: true
    default: false
    description: |-
      One or more domains for certificate.
      Format: Domain.com 
      Or Wildcard Certificate: *.Domain.com. 
      If you add multiple Domains, only one Certificate will be generated. See: https://github.com/go-acme/lego/issues/228
  - type: String
    name: Email Address
    key: email
    required: true
    visible: true
    default: false
    description: Email address for Certificate
  - type: String
    name: Lego Download URL
    key: url
    required: true
    visible: true
    default: true
    description: |-
      URL to download Lego. The Current version. 
      Format: github .tar.gz 
      See: https://github.com/go-acme/lego/releases
    value: 'https://github.com/go-acme/lego/releases/download/v4.10.0/lego_v4.10.0_linux_386.tar.gz'
  - type: String
    name: DNS Provider
    key: provider
    value: route53
    required: true
    visible: true
    default: true
    description: DNS API Provider. For AWS add "Route53".
  - type: String
    name: DNS Resolvers
    key: resolvers
    required: true
    visible: true
    default: true
    description: Resolvers for the lego module. Add Google.
  - type: Boolean
    name: Accept Terms of Service
    key: tos
    value: true
    required: true
    visible: true
    default: true
    description: By setting this flag to true you indicate that you accept the current Let's Encrypt terms of service
  - id: download
    name: Download Lego
    type: shell_script
    depends: []
      content: |-
          "&& tar xf",
          (vars.url | split('/')) | last()
        ] | join(" ")|}
  - id: updateGo
    name: Update Go
    type: shell_script
      - download
      content: |-
        git clone https://github.com/udhos/update-golang
        cd update-golang
        sudo ./update-golang.sh
  - id: generateCertificate
    name: Generate Certificate
    type: aws_cli
      - updateGo
      - installAwsCli
      script_content: |-
          "--email=" + vars.email,
          "--domains=" + (vars.domains | join(" --domains=")),
          "--dns=" + vars.provider,
          "--dns.resolvers=" + vars.resolvers,  
          "-accept-tos" if vars.tos == true else undefined,
        ] | join(" ")|}
      credential: '{|vars.credential|}'
  - id: installAwsCli
    name: Install AWS CLI
    type: aws_install
    depends: []
      version: latest
  - id: shell1
    name: Rename CRT to PEM
    type: shell_script
      - generateCertificate
      content: |-
          "cd .lego/certificates/ && cp " + vars.domains + ".crt " + vars.domains + ".pem"
        ] | join(" ")|}
  - key: presignedUrl
    value: '{|steps.generateUrl.result.output.presignedUrl|}'
    - id: download
        x: -235
        'y': -445
      links: []
      image_id: 1e948e6a-dbc0-41e3-aa52-e964674b617a
    - id: updateGo
        x: -235
        'y': -365
        - sourceId: download
          sourcePort: bottom
          targetPort: top
          vertices: []
      image_id: 6396ec88-90bf-4ddb-8749-fbb45d733fd1
    - id: generateCertificate
        x: -235
        'y': -285
        - sourceId: updateGo
          sourcePort: bottom
          targetPort: top
          vertices: []
        - sourceId: installAwsCli
          sourcePort: right
          targetPort: left
          vertices: []
      image_id: 1e948e6a-dbc0-41e3-aa52-e964674b617a
    - id: installAwsCli
        x: -425
        'y': -285
      links: []
    - id: shell1
        x: -235
        'y': -205
        - sourceId: generateCertificate
          sourcePort: bottom
          targetPort: top
          vertices: []

This code will generate a Wildcard Certificate in your setup. You can do more with this LetsEncrypt Certificate like described here:  Sophos Factory: Upload LetsEncrypt Certificates on SFOS via Factory  

[bearbeitet von: LuCar Toni um 12:31 PM (GMT -8) am 6 Nov 2023]
  • We are about to build a Factory Catalog solution, which Factory Customer can simply Copy/Paste.

    If you want to test the direct approach and get the code upfront: Feel free to ping/DM me on the Community, i can give you a Preview of how it works and how you can do it. 


  • I updated the first steps into this thread to test out. 

    It will generate a wildcard certificate and upload it to S3. 


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