[Powershell] [API] Delete endpoint by api fails with "invalid Operation"

[Update: found workaround]]

I changed the script that it will produce a batch file with curl and execute this. result is that the endpoints are removed as wished.

[Edited due adding full script]]

Dear Community,

I run in an issue I do not understand.

I wrote a powershell script which should delete endpoints in a specific group.

Enabling/disabling tamper works (non-destructive script testing), but when I execute the delete, it always fails with 

Invoke-RestMethod : {
"error": "BadRequest",
"correlationId": "d8889e3a-5914-4d68-bb5a-2765467c17d7",
"requestId": "c78db0c0-6bf7-40e5-968b-510cd7cb1d6f"
At line:3 char:13
+ $response = Invoke-RestMethod 'api-eu02.central.sophos.com/en ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Net.HttpWebRequest:HttpWebRequest) [Invoke-RestMethod], WebException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : WebCmdletWebResponseException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand

The used command:

Invoke-RestMethod 'api-eu02.central.sophos.com/.../xxxxxx-xxx-45ed-9469-abe34def8ed9' -Method 'DELETE' -Headers $Headers

Anyone any idea? 

the api token role is superadmin, so this should not be an issue.


I would love to hear your thoughts.



[edited by: Arno van der Veen - IT's Secured at 7:38 PM (GMT -8) on 5 Mar 2022]
  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    what headers are you sending up? Do any other API requests work for you?

  • Hi Richard,

    Other Api requests do work within the same script

    The header is combined by: 

    # SOPHOS API Headers:
    $XDRAPIHeaders = @{
    	"Authorization" = "Bearer $script:Token";
    	"X-Tenant-ID" = "$script:ApiTenantId";
        "Content-Type" = "application/json";

    The part of authentication and header creation I got from here: https://community.sophos.com/intercept-x-endpoint/f/recommended-reads/131161/using-powershell-to-extract-the-detections-information-from-the-datalake

        # Find machines in the assigned group
        Write-Host("[Sophos Central device removal] This script checks existing")
        Write-Host(" machines, enumerate them and removes them.")
        $Central_Cleanup = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $script:ApiHost"/endpoint/v1/endpoints?groupNameContains=$($SophosDevicegroup)" -Headers $XDRAPIHeaders)
            $Central_Cleanup = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $script:ApiHost"/endpoint/v1/endpoints?groupNameContains=$($SophosDevicegroup)" -Headers $XDRAPIHeaders -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ScriptError)   
            # Display results in the console
            $Central_Cleanup.items | Format-Table -Property id, hostname, lastSeenAt, tamperProtectionEnabled
        # set or remove tamperprotection in the assigned group (enable = true; disable = false
          foreach ($id in $Central_Cleanup.items) { (Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri $script:ApiHost"/endpoint/v1/endpoints/$($id.id)/tamper-protection" -Headers $XDRAPIHeaders -Body '{"enabled": false}' )    }
        # Delete machines in the assigned group
         foreach ($id in $Central_Cleanup.items)  {Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $script:ApiHost"/endpoint/v1/endpoints/$($id.id)"  -Headers $XDRAPIHeaders -debug -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ScriptError} 

    I tried with the original API guide (https://developer.sophos.com/docs/endpoint-v1/1/routes/endpoints/%7BendpointId%7D/delete) syntax as well as the syntax offered by postman/sophos api (urn:uuid:[endpointID]). unfortunally no difference in outcome.

  • Hi Richard,

    Other Api requests do work within the same script

    The header is combined by: 

    # SOPHOS API Headers:
    $XDRAPIHeaders = @{
    	"Authorization" = "Bearer $script:Token";
    	"X-Tenant-ID" = "$script:ApiTenantId";
        "Content-Type" = "application/json";

    The part of authentication and header creation I got from here: https://community.sophos.com/intercept-x-endpoint/f/recommended-reads/131161/using-powershell-to-extract-the-detections-information-from-the-datalake

        # Find machines in the assigned group
        Write-Host("[Sophos Central device removal] This script checks existing")
        Write-Host(" machines, enumerate them and removes them.")
        $Central_Cleanup = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $script:ApiHost"/endpoint/v1/endpoints?groupNameContains=$($SophosDevicegroup)" -Headers $XDRAPIHeaders)
            $Central_Cleanup = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $script:ApiHost"/endpoint/v1/endpoints?groupNameContains=$($SophosDevicegroup)" -Headers $XDRAPIHeaders -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ScriptError)   
            # Display results in the console
            $Central_Cleanup.items | Format-Table -Property id, hostname, lastSeenAt, tamperProtectionEnabled
        # set or remove tamperprotection in the assigned group (enable = true; disable = false
          foreach ($id in $Central_Cleanup.items) { (Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Post' -Uri $script:ApiHost"/endpoint/v1/endpoints/$($id.id)/tamper-protection" -Headers $XDRAPIHeaders -Body '{"enabled": false}' )    }
        # Delete machines in the assigned group
         foreach ($id in $Central_Cleanup.items)  {Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri $script:ApiHost"/endpoint/v1/endpoints/$($id.id)"  -Headers $XDRAPIHeaders -debug -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ScriptError} 

    I tried with the original API guide (https://developer.sophos.com/docs/endpoint-v1/1/routes/endpoints/%7BendpointId%7D/delete) syntax as well as the syntax offered by postman/sophos api (urn:uuid:[endpointID]). unfortunally no difference in outcome.
