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Advisory: Reflexion - Delayed delivery of outbound and inbound email

Hi everyone,

Sophos is currently investigating an issue with Reflexion is that is causing delayed delivery of inbound and outbound mail. No mail will be lost, as it will be queued for delivery.
Our development and operations team are actively working to resolve this issue.

Please follow the links below for the latest updates: 

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  • @Froader -- This has not been my experience. I did deal with an Office 365 related outage in addition to the Reflexion issues, so timing on both of these outages caused a real headache for us and our clients, but all mail that successfully left Microsoft servers and reached Reflexion servers were eventually forwarded as far as I'm aware. While I did notice a couple time-out errors come back to me for mail sent to addresses protected by Reflexion (I posted one of them in a previous comment to this thread), the messages were eventually received by the recipient as Reflexion resolved their mail-flow delay. I assume this could be due to automatic re-submission attempts however.


    If I come across any differing evidence, I'll make sure to post that here.

  • We had several clients report bounced messages as well.


    I think the trick to the message Reflexion sent out was the line along the lines of "Mail that was queued".  We were trying to send mail from various personal accounts and MXtoolbox.  Many times the servers never responded to the connection request.  So of course the mail wouldn't be queued at that point.

  • Harley: It's not going to be everyone's experience... Sorry to hear about your double whammy. Ouch, BTW. Interestingly enough since there wasn't any way to determine the aftermath of this outage other than comparing inbox and sent to every possible combination, I've learned a lot from our clients which was a phone call from me directly to assess the damage. While some were less affected than others, their requests for help never made it to our ticketing system and that's detrimental to our ability to meet our SLAs. That's a liability and since Sophos was so gracious in communicating what was going on we were unable to not only communicate via email due to the outage, but provide any status updates during our phone calls because our vendor Sophos was NOT supporting their product in our best interest and more valuable our client's best interest. Call that withholding the truth or being dishonest. Your call, but a complete falling out of trust when it comes to a vendor relationship.

    One word for you to think about is liability and that means your liability as a company whom I hope puts the risk in your ball park when having a signature on the other side of your agreement. I believe that there is always room for fair error, but it must be communicated and transparent. It's literally been days without any legitimate communication from Sophos. If they did infarct communicate the truth, we would have all jumped ship much sooner an that was their Catch 22. We will NOT repeat this process in favor of our clients' best interest, end of story.

    I'm only bringing some real life experience to this situation, so take it for what it's worth. My statements stand intact BTW and we have moved on. What's really interesting in the aftermath is that Reflexion is super responsive navigating the portal, which prior to this outage was spotty at times. Clearly Sophos has not been keeping up with resources needed to keep Reflexion operating and the *** finally hit the fan

  • @Froader -- Completely agreed that this was a very poorly communicated outage, and has caused a lot of damaged relationships. It's clear that Reflexion has been neglected in favor of other Sophos products, and this outage helps with making the decision to look at other solutions an obvious one.